Bill, we think different ways, and I have no problem with you believing in god.
Evolution does not say that once another species has evolved into being that the former species will necessarily die out. The species best suited to successfully live and reproduce in it's environment will be the most successful and pervasive. Alligators and sharks (two really cool species by the way) are extremely old as far as species are concerned, but they're still around, they're really good at surviving and reproducing.
Now that humans have evolved and come out of the wilderness they are no longer evolving. Evolution requires selective forces, as humans we've eliminated as many as possible, disease, infant death, death during child birth, predators, etc. The vast majority of us make it to sexual maturation without much of a fuss. (the fuss probably begins at that time of life...) So, no people are dying from causes that used to be common selection forces. We are born, grow up, have kids, the kids grow up, have kids... the environment does not have predators that eat our unfit offspring, the diseases that used to kill us before we're able to have our own children have mostly been eliminated.
What I'm pointing out in the video, which I'm hoping you watched (both) is that he's using an extremely invalid argument. The guy's argument revolves around a fruit he claims is god's wonderful gift to people because it's a naturally occurring wonderfood. Well, it's a wonderfood, but what originally existed 8,000 years ago was nothing like it. If god put it there, that wasn't the way he left it. Then, man steps in and breeds the banana the way he wants it for thousands of years. The fact that it ripens is god's gift to us. Well, many fruit ripen and it could be to serve their own purpose. Trees do not want you taking their fruit before the seeds have developed, or all of the work they put into making the fruit will not produce new trees.
I got this far and I know I should read all the posts but it's late and I just needed to add this:
We are certainly not done evolving. There are still selective forces at work. What you see as a hurricane, I see as a selective force. What you see as an earth quake, I see as a selective force. What you see as the swine flu, I see as a selective force. As soon as we went away from being hunter gathers' and became farmers we took our sense of entitlement to a new level. You don't own the earth. Think for a minute about everything you "own". It all comes from the earth. "Man made" materials are from the earth, at least in their original form. The land your house sits on? How can anyone own the earth. What do you use as currency to pay for this land? Well paper dollars of course, where does paper come from again? We took advantage of the earth and the earth is still fighting back. WE are the roaches in the earth's sock drawer. WE are the ants in the earth's kitchen. She is slowly stomping us out. We are simply excellerating the process with our own toxins, and I am not even talking global warming here, I'm talking about nuclear fish with three eyes, just like blinkey. I'm talking about manufactured drugs that kill you if you take a few too many. I'm talking about crazies that walk into a pawn shop in Richfield Minnesota and start shooting. Those are man made selective forces. There is no point A and point B in evolution. It's not logical.

P.S. I'm not into the whole god thing either.

P.S.S. Srust, the beer, thin ice, and snow mobile thing was HILARIOUS.