Ultimately this thread is doing nothing but allowing those who don't like obama to begin with, a chance to b1tch and moan. Funny thing is many of these people supported bush when he was spouting the "if you are not with us, you are a terrorist" crap. Many of these same people also like to gloss over the fact that TARP was created by Bush, they seem to do their damnest to try and pin it all on obama. Many of these same people also blow smoke out their asses about obama being socialist when we lost MANY past freedoms under bush and in some way have GAINED some back under obama. You can bet that if even a white person went to a bush conference with a gun, even unloaded, would have been arrested and then probably labeled as a terrorist.
Ecosse, there will most likely never be peace in the middle east. ever.
Even gad has not managed that one, oh wait, it is different beliefs in god that started it.
while i can't speak specifically about those commenting in this thread i will say it seems to be the pathological inability for many on the left (not all) to understand there are scores of people from many political stripes, particularly on the right, who did/do denounce the actions of bush you site. unfortunately, acknowledging this shatters the the myth this is a right wing hate obama-fest. i, and many others, agree with you at least to some extent. get it?
what you want to believe about abama's socialist leanings is up to you. enjoy living in the dark.
btw: the middle east crack i made was in jest. my point is that if bo ever actually accomplishes something universally deemed worthy of an award i will not let partisanship stand in the way of giving due credit. i did give the guy a shot and withheld judgement and accepted him as my president. something many on the left could not do for bush. it's this simplistic partisanship that speaks more about those spewing it (ie: republicans are anti-immigrant, racist, greedy, yadda yadda) than those they ridicule.
something i did learn from the orgy of bush bashing is that, when all you do is regurgitate hateful over the top bile supplied by politicians and fringe group pundits, any legitimate points you may have are diminished and lost in the sea of your own overwrought rhetoric. looking back, and although i still support bush in many areas, the left was right (correct?
) about a few things.
let's hope that, while there are currently a growing number of middle and left leaning people waking up to the reality of this administration, more on the left will step outside their little echo chamber of blind hate to see things as they are; just as there are those on the right who are finally realizing blind partisanship is not patriotic. anyone who bothered to actually go to a tea party, rather than ignorantly criticize from their computer screen, would know this last point first hand.