Reminds me, about my deal with turtles. I have a habit of stopping, when I see a turtle on the road and putting then on the other side so they won't get run over. Well, one day I saw a snapper and a fair size one at that. Without thinking, I stopped, got out, went over and attempted to pick that sucker up (with my hands as far back as possible and he tried to get me anyway. And I thought he was going to reach my hand! I left him where he was and figured, what ever he got, he deserved!
Then, about a month ago, Karla and I was crossing Fort Chaffee and I saw something up a bit on the road and it turned out to be a very large old snapper! It must have been about 2ft in diameter. I just looked and left!
During the Spring and Summer, I have found as many as 5 turtles in my back yard.
I have to rescue them, if my dog (Cocoa) finds them, she starts barking real loudly (probably echoes in their shell) and she turns them over and messes with them, so I put them in the front yard, so they can have SOME peace.