Maybe we should have a poll....How young is too young, or when is old enough.
My young man is a bit of a nutter on wheels, Forgot the brakes one day and went clean and fast out over the garden wall, which is five feet up from the road. Came in and asked if I could get his bike back in....Lucky boy.
Latest one ...he fell on his scooter and the handlebar end caps were gone??, (I never noticed) Bars fell vertical and the poor child came down on them, cut / punched a tubular hole out of his upper and lower lip, Lifted it right off like a flap.
Then he says...after getting stitches and plastics..."Dad, I don't really want a Quad from Santa, I think I'd be afraid.....
10 Mins later _____I was denied motorised wheels when I was a kid, But that seems a cruel fate to deliver on him for my fear, even with all the gear, training and supervision..