Congrats Bill, you're plenty due for some good news. Glad to hear Spring is in the air even though it's autumn!

Oh yeah, I agree1

Just yesterday, she said she wish the sun was shining and I told her that it might be dreary outside (it was cloudy w/ a few showers), but she made the sun shine inside ME!

She looked at me and said, "You're so sweet!"

She has definitely got my mind on HER, most all of each and every day! Sure makes Life Worth Living!

I mean like, I didn't see her for a few days (the restaurant where she works was closed for remodeling and she went camping with her folks) and when I did see her again, I gave her a flower and a card, which she thought was so sweet. Fact is, when I don't see her regularly, I MISS HER like crazy.
When Brenda passed away, I was like, "Take care of everybody and everything" and try to move on. Wasn't thinking that there was much left for me. And then, this young lady started paying attention "To Me!" Suddenly, I realized that I REALLY NEEDED THAT! I had just resigned to the fact that, for me it would be the Bachelor's life and THAT WAS IT! But, NOW, I have something to look forward to again AND, even though Brenda and I Had a LOVE that was FOREVER, I have an INCREDIBLE feeling that has been generated by Jana! I'm NOW having Feelings that I don't EVER remember experiencing before! I've even mentioned this to friends who knew both Brenda and myself, because I felt kinda funny about HAVING this kind of a feeling with yet another woman. I didn't want to disrespect Brenda's memories or anything. My friends told me that they were Happy for me and not to worry because they knew I loved Brenda and that Brenda would WANT me to get back out there! I just know that what Brenda and I had, was Special. And yet, I also feel like what is starting up between Jana and me, is special too, in another way!

Now, when I look in a mirror, it sure makes me wonder what Jana sees though.

But then, when I see HER, I feel years lifted off of me.

Brenda's family doesn't know anything about Jana, cause I really don't think they'd understand and I don't want to cause them any more pain. They are about 3hrs away. I don't go there much, because when I have, my Mother-in-law gets all broken up about Brenda's passing and it doesn't do either of us any good. Sie likes to see and hear from us, but now, it just throws it right in her face that Brenda's gone and she's still having off and on problems about my Daddy-in-law's passing back in 2003.
Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble on like this, I guess I just needed to talk.

I STILL Happy though, Bill