Hey guys, thanks for the encouragement and the humor.
I wish my situation was simple, like srust. I have 6 kids: 4 boys from a previous marrage, my current wife has a son and we have a daughter. My wife a daughter live in Santa Ana CA (my wife works in Irvine) while I live and worked in Las Vegas. So now, to save on daycare expenses, Sarah (daughter) is going back to Las Vegas with me on Tuesday. And, I will also need to contact Child Support Services to request a reduction of my child support/alimony.
I do have ideas for self employment: Rebuilding SOHC4 carbs (I actually like doing it, to a point),
Modifying Guitars (electronics), CAD work, Furniture design, etc....or maybe I should stand on the corner with a sign "will tune feedback control loops for food".
If I end up selling the CB650, I'll still have my CB350F.