Author Topic: MC Enterprises Rearsets?  (Read 2265 times)

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Offline IndyFour

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MC Enterprises Rearsets?
« on: October 14, 2009, 02:24:13 PM »
I recently purchased some rearsets that are older, but have never been installed.  They are supposedly made for the CB750 and CB550 and were produced by MC enterprises at some point (my guess is 20 or more years ago).

Since the rearsets didn't come with any instructions or a diagram, I contacted MC Enterprises to ask if they might have some instructions still in existence that they could forward to me, but as it turns out, they no longer have any.

Does anyone here recognize this kit?  I can' figure out out everything fits together pretty much, I just am having a hard time visualizing how the mounting plates mount to the frame of the bike and where.  They use the frame clamps, of course, but where on the frame and in what holes?

BTW, I didn't include most of the hardware in the pic....lots of nuts and bolts.  ;)

Thanks for your help!
1974 CB550K
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Indianapolis, Indiana

Offline turboguzzi

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Re: MC Enterprises Rearsets?
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2009, 02:32:57 PM »
Gee, in the best case I would just use the pedals and smaller hardware there.

The plates and footpegs look terribly cheap IMHO, will really spoil the bike's line (and I guess that if you are putting rearsets for street use, it's mostly for looks, right?)

in any case, if you do decide to use them, it looks like that set simply clamps to the frame tubes (another reason no to use it...)

sorry for the negative opinion, but not every 70's period piece is worth re-using and this one looks almost unsafe.

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Re: MC Enterprises Rearsets?
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2009, 02:40:08 PM »
The mounting plates are pretty substntial and thick.  I'm going to go out and fiddle with placement to see if I can figure out where exactly where they were meant to go.

My reasoning for getting rearsets was to adjust my riding position.  I'm tall and feel like a giant when I ride...the tops of my knees rise above that of the tank....trying to move the feet back for comforts mostly.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2010, 10:44:12 AM by IndyFour »
1974 CB550K
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Re: MC Enterprises Rearsets?
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2009, 02:52:20 PM »
The only pic that I have of those rear sets on my bike is here.

They aint the prettiest, but work fine.

The 3 holes are for the foot peg mounting.

 I had those on my bike years ago, so the details may be a little fuzzy (or wrong ???)

One of those clamps goes on the front, around the down tube. One clamp goes near the rear muffler hanger (bottom of plate- I beleive it is the odd hole behind the 3 peg mounting holes)
  The peg bolt also went through one of the frame clamps(above the rear muffler hanger) I beleive I had to drill the clamp out to fit the peg bolt through it.

I beleive the front mount (clamp) also had a spacer to move the front of the plate out some(you could probably use washers).

 Like I said, the details are a little fuzzy, but when you start to put them on, it will come to you.
 Start with the rear bottom muffler clamp and it should "fall" into place.

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Re: MC Enterprises Rearsets?
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2009, 03:24:04 PM »
Thanks for the link, Fishhead.  That helped me to visualize how they mount.

Studying the pic, though, I believe I have a problem.  These must have been made for the 750/550F bike as the frame is different on my K bike.  The frame member that comes down for the rear peg and exhaust mount is not a "tube" per se, but more of a flat piece.  No clamp is going to go around that.  Crap.   >:(

I've probably bought myself a nice box of chromed metal pieces that I can't use.  :'(
1974 CB550K
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Indianapolis, Indiana

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Re: MC Enterprises Rearsets?
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2009, 06:10:14 PM »
Thanks for the link, Fishhead.  That helped me to visualize how they mount.

Studying the pic, though, I believe I have a problem.  These must have been made for the 750/550F bike as the frame is different on my K bike.  The frame member that comes down for the rear peg and exhaust mount is not a "tube" per se, but more of a flat piece.  No clamp is going to go around that.  Crap.   >:(

I've probably bought myself a nice box of chromed metal pieces that I can't use.  :'(

Drop me a PM: I might be able to help you with that problem...   ;)
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Offline turboguzzi

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Re: MC Enterprises Rearsets?
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2009, 06:14:56 AM »
The mounting plates are pretty substntial and thick.  The quality of the footpegs, however, doesn't really match the rest of the I don't know if maybe they were not original to the kit?  I'm going to go out and fiddle with placement to see if I can figure out where exactly where they were meant to go.

My reasoning for getting rearsets was to adjust my riding position.  I'm tall and feel like a giant when I ride...the tops of my knees rise above that of the tank....trying to move the feet back for comforts mostly.

OK, that's more to the point.

I am 6'4" and have same problem.

on all of my modern bikes bikes I make LOWERING plates not rearsets, to place the footpegs lower and have more seat-footpeg distance. I find that just moving to the rear doesnt help much ergonomically speaking. Its not a bad idea to make soem quick test with a piece of 3/8" plywood before you commit to a certain rearset

I am a pretty hard rider and only when really going for 98% riding I ground the pegs. will try to get some shots this evening

Offline IndyFour

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Re: MC Enterprises Rearsets?
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2009, 02:40:12 PM »

on all of my modern bikes bikes I make LOWERING plates not rearsets, to place the footpegs lower and have more seat-footpeg distance. I find that just moving to the rear doesnt help much ergonomically speaking. Its not a bad idea to make soem quick test with a piece of 3/8" plywood before you commit to a certain rearset

I am a pretty hard rider and only when really going for 98% riding I ground the pegs. will try to get some shots this evening

That's a great idea.  I never thought of doing that.  I'm not a hard rider at it's unlikely I would scrape a peg on the ground if they were lowered just a bit. 

I look forward to seeing your pics.  :)
1974 CB550K
2000 VFR800FIY
Indianapolis, Indiana

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Re: MC Enterprises Rearsets?
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2009, 02:45:10 PM »

on all of my modern bikes bikes I make LOWERING plates not rearsets, to place the footpegs lower and have more seat-footpeg distance. I find that just moving to the rear doesnt help much ergonomically speaking. Its not a bad idea to make soem quick test with a piece of 3/8" plywood before you commit to a certain rearset

I am a pretty hard rider and only when really going for 98% riding I ground the pegs. will try to get some shots this evening

That's a great idea.  I never thought of doing that.  I'm not a hard rider at it's unlikely I would scrape a peg on the ground if they were lowered just a bit. 

I look forward to seeing your pics.  :)

getting late here, will try tomorrow

Offline turboguzzi

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Re: MC Enterprises Rearsets?
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2009, 01:24:48 PM »

Always liked your "Cafe Bizzare"  ;) and now that i see that neat bolt "spacer", even more.

indeed those MC pegs fit its frankensteinian nature, still, not things of great beauty....

Great bike though!

here is a shot of my lowered, pushed fwd pegs in my streefighterized GSXR750.

as you can see, the older bracket had the pegs about as high as the top bolt and a good 3" backwards.

if you are around 6'4" it really works

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Re: MC Enterprises Rearsets?
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2009, 03:48:31 PM »

Does anyone here recognize this kit?  I can' figure out out everything fits together pretty much, I just am having a hard time visualizing how the mounting plates mount to the frame of the bike and where.  They use the frame clamps, of course, but where on the frame and in what holes?

BTW, I didn't include most of the hardware in the pic....lots of nuts and bolts.  ;)

I have that same set with instructions.  Never installed mine on my old 750.  I will look for the paperwork as it has been moved around a few times.  If I can find it, I will scan it for you.

Rob in Oregon

Thanks for your help!

1978 CB550K