Quite the Nice CBX there Bill! My buddy had one with a yoshimura kitted motor and it was like hearing a Ferrari rev..awesome sounding bike ever..quite the nice stable there man!
Thank you for the compliments Doug, mine isn't a Yoshi fitted motor, but still has some of that Ferrari like sound though (when revving)! Great sound, at that!
Cold natured thing! to!
That engine sure is AWESOME! IT still is cool to just stand back and look at.
I hope no one gets the idea that I am boosting about having it, I'm just proud, that's all (and amazed that I DO have it, as well!
Thanks, I have a picture of the GPZ, the CBX, the 80' CB750K w/sidecar and the 80' CB650C, all lined up and I am impressed to see them like that myself. The 750 and the 650 need work to put them anywhere near the other 2, but they still look pretty good.