mmmm.... beer battered bacon wrapped shrimp. its an art, and i don't really have a recipe, as i pulled this out of my arse. im not a chef so please excuse the generic recipe

items needed
1 six pack Budweiser (1 for the batter, 5 for the chef)
bacon of choice
1 bag frozen fully cooked jumbo shrimp
corn oil (for the deep fryer I'm assuming you have)
beer batter,
mix equal parts Budweiser (trust me, it may not be your first beer choice but gives just the right flavor)
and flour.i usually do 1 cup of each. you don't want it to thick, or too thin... kind of a fresh 40wt consistency... add flour or beer to get it right.takes a little guess and check, and you will have more than you need, but its needed to completly coat the bacon wrapped shrimp.set aside. i usually use the left over to make onion rings to go with...
bacon, must be cooked first in a pan. but you still want it rare and soggy. dry it on a paper towel, and set aside.
fill up the deep fryer with corn oil and heat it up.
shrimp, i use cooked frozen jumbo. since its covered in so much goodness nobody is the wiser

. thaw according to package.
take the almost cooked bacon and wrap around a shrimp, as tight as you can, and hold together with a toothpick. dip in the beer batter making sure to coat the whole thing. drop in the deep fryer for about 2 minutes or until it has a nice golden brown almost onion ring look to it... it takes a little while as you can usually only do a couple at a time so they cook evenly... but its worth it!
ill try and get the bacon brittle recipe up here tonight...