Steve, I'm so sorry that I let you down, I know i promised not to eat it all in one sitting, but the temptation was just too great mate, and then Tom (El Cheapo) "slipped" me a can of yellow gold as well, and well, before i knew it, the cans were all just "dead soldiers" rolling around my rumpus room floor, bumping into several empty "Chicken in a Biscuit" boxes. Anyway, I promise that if you guys continue to send me cans of "Beelzebubs best bowel blocker" or perhaps "Gods Yellow glue" I'll ensure that I carefully follow your directions this time around, and no near catastrophe's requiring an internal remedy of Chernobyl proportions to sort my digestive system! Cheers, Terry.
Well, well, well Terry...Steve is it? Who the Hell is Steve. I can see that you're not nearly as recovered as you seem to think you are. Memory loss, confusion, disassociation, delusions of good health...all signs of someone in the throws of Easy Cheese withdrawal. Steady man, we're here to see you through it.
I do hope your plumbing, in the house that is, hasn't suffered too much because of your indulgences. That could be a costly repair. And your neighbors...I wish i had such forgiving souls living next to me.
Now, as you withdraw you might want to try some individually wrapped slices of American Cheese. There's not much American about it, nor is there much cheese about it, but you could consider it to be the methadone of Easy Cheese addiction.
Good luck and good may be a little late for good health.

Mike...see's Mike