I added two most posting groups:
Master - 1000 posts
Chairman - 2000 posts
Best I can think of at the moment. I'm sure if we put our collective minds to it, we could come up with better groups based on post counts. Suggest away...
Okay, if 500 posts is "old timer" then 1000 posts could be "two timer". (not original, I've already been called this on this forum.

Wait, I'm just warming up...
Or, any of the higher numbers can be "loquacious member". You choose which.
Certainly, instead of simply "Master" it should be "Master Member".
Then Senior Master member, perhaps.
More than 3000 posts ought to be "senile member", or perhaps the "shriveled member", or the "ode-to-viagra member".
I'll think about this some more. I can probably do better after a night's sleep. Maybe not...