Couple of questions for those of you who have milled around on your power plants in search of a few more ponies.
I have a 550 K8 with just over 12k miles, and it runs good. But, I am thinking about having the head shaved down a bit and have the valves ground and seated while I'm at it. I can get all of this done for FREE (best friend is a machinist), but like many good intentions... just because I want to doesn't mean I should.
I will be replacing the head gasket this winter anyways, and thought that while it's off, I could tweak on it a little in the process. ORRRR... Should I just get a 500 head and the 650 cam and be done with it?
What is involved in the search for more compression without tearing into the lower half of the engine? Are there any project threads out there about this? Any do's or don'ts? Is the power gain worth it?
Or should I just leave the whole thing alone?
Finally, as I don't plan on hanging onto this bike forever, would this mod (even if done correctly) hurt the resale value any?
I appreciate any and all input, even if you tell me I'm a moron for wishing this on myself.