Author Topic: What body filler to use when smothing knee dents on gas tank?  (Read 14998 times)

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Re: What body filler to use when smothing knee dents on gas tank?
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2010, 06:40:12 AM »
that video is exactly how I did it.Came out pretty good.Still have work to do with sanding and filling.Pics soon.
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Re: What body filler to use when smothing knee dents on gas tank?
« Reply #26 on: November 07, 2010, 06:54:28 AM »
Very nice, I had the same idea as you with the F tank, now I know this will be a go in the future. BTW +1 JB Weld and Rage
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Re: What body filler to use when smothing knee dents on gas tank?
« Reply #27 on: November 07, 2010, 07:52:50 AM »
I notice that on the bottom edge of your tank, at the lower horizontal seam, there is an indentation that follows the part you pounded in.  Did you cut out a section of the bottom of the tank and then reweld it after pounding in the indentations or did you somehow manage to also pound in the tank's bottom to the new contour as well?  I ask because in the video the way the fellow does his he never pounds on anything within about the last three quarters of an inch of the bottom - on his tank the original tank contour is maintained but on yours there seems to be a major change.  So I guess my question is if you did it all with a hammer how did you manage to move that bottom edge in as far as you did?
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