Admit it Bill...if it was delivered to you in perfect condition you would have been disappointed.
As it is, now you have lots of things to make right and personalize as your own.
We all envy you! 
Of course YOU are right, to an extent! Thing is though, for one thing, the seller said in the listing that the brakes worked, but the master cylinder needed to be replaced. Well, this car has the "Dual Stage" master cylinder. And, those who are in the know, know that there are 2 separate systems, so that IF any ONE wheel cylinder or brake line goes,you will still have the other two wheels with brakes. Well, THIS is what had happened. I drove that car 200 miles through a bit of traffic at times and at varying speeds as well. Got a bit touchy at times. THAT should have been taken care of before hand. The car has MANUAL steering and the steering box had some slack in it, that meant you REALLY had to DRIVE the car, you couldn't just point it and GO. IF he knew how and where to do it, it probably could have been taken care of by simply loosening up a lock nut , making the adjustment and locking it back down again. I'm not gonna lie, it WAS a RUSH driving a car like that (that model and with the 4sp and warmed up 440)! The drivers side door glass can't be rolled up or down, with the door closed. The only key I got, wont work the door locks. The right door lock can't even be pushed down. OH YEAH, I'm gonna be making a list of "to dos" and have fun getting them done.

The paint job is great, but there are some places on the left side of the car, that should have been taken care of before it was painted and I hate to think of having to have it repainted, to do that, but it will have to be done. Anybody else would probably have rejected the car because the way it was written up (won several 2nd and 3rd places in Car Shows), makes the car sound better than it was, in some areas. But, I wanted (and NEEDED) this car SO MUCH, I am willing to let it go and take care of the things that are needed. I just expected more for the money, that's all AND I had never been in the position to spend that much for a car that wasn't a new car AND be able to get a car that most usually brings big bucks! Now, it IS definitely an "Eye Catcher" AND I've already gotten comments on it, when we stopped at various places on the way back. I'm NOT going to JUMP on the Seller, I just want him to be aware of things and hopefully, he will pay closer attention to details. OH YES, I didn't realize that I had no spare wheel (jack or lug wrench), didn't notice until later

(I Was Kinda wired, you might say!) ALL in all though, I do feel good having it here. I'm going to do something about the gear ratio though. If I can possibly swing it, I'd like to get an overdrive unit and install it. If I can't swing that, I will possibly see about going to 3.23 gears or at least go UP a bit from the 3.55s. Got to take care of a few things right off, so I can feel comfortable to get it out.