IC , thanks for the photos, I suspect you are right . Hmmmmmm
Bucky , you'd be the man if you have a shifter and the missing parts between my airbox and the carbs ! Been looking for a CB 8inch round headlight and bucket , the square thing on it now is well, SQUARE

Bodain, I like what you did with your gauges ! Mine want to end up in the trash as well ! I like the mono look . I as hoping to score some cb gauges but I had an idea today in the parts store. I will try and get a picture.
I like the way your clubmans look but I am gonna go with a drag bar or daytona's as it is just a more comfortable riding position to me . Hands down clubmans look cooler though. However I do cringe at the thought of the last clubmans I had to snake 11 control wires through that 80 degree angle in the bars for the seamless look. Yeah , I coulda just drilled the pods but nooooooooooooooo I had to prove something ! I proved that it sucked!
btw the square brake fluid reservoir really brake up all the circles. Nice one mate.
Hopefully this will come out like I envision it . I am trying to really keep it on the minimum with investments in this area but will spend some. 200 bux for a sweet running bike , who could resist!