Got the carb sorted. I had the needles reveresed

donkey kickin power to 45 mph and then nuthing .
So now it's popping a bit and hissing a little , sounds angry or something. Got some exhaust leaks to sort out around the h-box but it should be good for a longer ride this go round

! Also bleed the front brakes . Little trick I learned for bleed a totally dry line and caliper:
buy some aquarium hose and hook it up to the bleeder nipple. Fill the master cylinder and keep it full or never let it run tou the holes or this wil draw air in the system and that is what you want rid off. Now suck on the aquarium tube steadily make sure not to swallow and (wait a minute , this is sounding bad....) ok scratch that , have your girlfriend suck on it and assure here if she swallows any it wont hurt her ! Wait , just kidding. Really though this will draw all the air outta the line and alternate pumping the brakes with the sucking on the line. Man *thinks to meself* bleeding brakes is dirty work !
Anywho I did this and it is the homeade low budget way of bleeding without a vacuum line. Worked great.
now gotta find which wire the horn went to.