Howdy all,
First off, I searched archives before posting this, so if there is a previous article that answers these specific questions; shame on me.
Background of my question comes from a fellow forum member's bike (Trav-i). I was assisting him (well, trying to) with some ignition/electrical troubleshooting. It was running rough (The proverbial "IT" was his '73 model 750 with stock ignition), and later turned into a case of "no spark" at all. During the "pokin-round" with a meter, I decided to verify that the condensers were doing their job..... Which leads me to my question:
Testing condensers: Clymer manual says 5K ohms from case to lead. An electrically minded friend indicated that I should only use an analog meter for this, and not my nice Amtek digital. I could not get a reading on the "suspect" coils on Travis' bike, as the reading would simply climb from 14-15K to oblivion. To make sure I was not going crazy, I performed the same test, on the condensers' of the two running bikes nearby...Same result. Is Clymer wrong? I also used his "Blue-Point" meter, and a cheapie Sears meter as well, as I wanted to eliminate "meter failure" from the picture. The next thing I did was connect some test leads to the condenser (Case and lead) and attempt to charge the condenser with a new, and properly charged 12v battery. I could not get them to discharge and produce a spark... I then did the same thing with the coils from the bikes with known functioning ignitions.... Same result, no sparky... What am I doing wrong??? I used to charge capacitors like that all the time in shop class, and I KNOW it worked then...
Thanks in advance,
Fabricator (Apparently not an electrician)