Certainly thorough BobbyR, we don't get all those choices here in New Zealand and specialists are booked up months in advance.
I am fortunate, most people don't have the choices. I live in the NY metro and like most major cities we have a large number of specialists and major medical centers. I also pay through the nose for private insurance every month, and I am lucky many good people accept that Company, some do not. From my research, the exact same treatments and machines are available in NZ. I think Ed has me on ignore so we will not get into that.
The treatment at this stage come down to surgery and radiation. One surgery is the old tried and true open procedure. There are two bundles of nerves that run on either side of the gland. These nerves control the bladder and erections. If the surgeon is skilled and they can, they will dissect them out and move those out of the way. They will be traumatized so they need to heal and in some cases they do not.
There is a robotic machine which claims to be better, but the jury is out on that, they need several hundred procedures under their belt to get really good at it. The robot arms are very precise, but the surgeon cannot feel and they have been trained to work by feel.
Radiation has the same cure rate outcomes and the nerves can be spared, but if they are damaged the effect will show up a couple of years later, so it is a waiting game with that.
No matter which way you go, your life will be different, not really diminished if you are lucky, just different.