Today was the first day of treatment. The plans were all laid out, and now the attack begins. I was not sure what to expect but as usual I am my own worst enemy. I will be going through this for the next 45-48 days. I am sure he will go 48 since I turned down the anti testosterone treatment.
I get free Valet parking which I guess is a plus. They told me I did not have to tip, but I will throw the guy a couple of bucks a day anyway. Today, when I was getting out of the car today I paused to put my sunglasses away. The Valet rubbed my arm and asked if I was OK, not in a creepy way but a caring way.
It has been kind of interesting and disturbing walking into a Cancer treatment center as a patient. I see people who look horrible, woman with no hair or wigs going upstairs for their Chemo, and I go below ground to where the Radiation center sits for obvious reasons.
I have the last appointment of the day and I am glad of that, I do not have to sit and get to know people who because of the types of Cancer they have, will die soon. While I was in the testing stages, I saw them in the elevator I smiled and made smalltalk, but I could see in their eyes they knew. I could see them looking at me probably trying to figure out if I was one of them, or one of the others.
Kind of an interesting machine. scans you makes sure it is targeted properly and then begins. It usually makes and ARC around you firing beams which I had seen in a video. The machince stopped at my side and I said to myselft, #$%* is stuck and will burn hole in me. Turns out this Doc has it refocus on four quadrants to get a more precise beam shape so it takes longer, but it will pay off in the long run.
Tomorrow it happens again. I do get the weekends off.