Anyway: Learning experience:
When people say hair spray makes a good grip glue they can be very wrong. Today, in the rain/hail coming home, because of the death-grip I have to have on my throttle (pd carb return spring) I noticed I could twist the grip and the rpms weren't changing... or I'd be maintaining the same amount of twist and slow down. Unnerving. Turns out my throttle grip was rotating around the new sleeve.
going out to get some proper grip glue. Glad to be home. Going to look around here to see what can be done about the herculean throttle return spring on the PD carbs (same as late 750s) because my throttle cables are unkinked and new.
I've used Hair Spray several times, no problems, then I discovered electrical contact cleaner works better, isn't as messy, and leaves no residue, plus has other uses. In the last year I've switched handlebars 4 times, (cant make up my mind; Black Superbike, Black Daytona, Chrome Daytona,and European Superbike.) Last Thursday, I switched back to the Chrome Daytona looking for a little less reach for my 50 yr. old bones. The Daytona bars just sweep back too much for my tastes, and don't work well with my bar-end mirrors, I'm going back to the European Superbike bars, (like in my avatar) love the low profile look, and they work well with my mirrors.
Here's the drill;
1) After removing the mirrors, work a #2 phillips into the grip, then spray WD40 in to loosen the grip.
2) Wash grips with simple green, and hot water, then dry.
3) After swapping bars, carefully spray electrical contact cleaner inside grip, (extra caution with contact cleaner, it's hard on skin, and hard on paint) then put a rag over the end of the grip, and push the grip on.