Weekend work:
Bunch of parts in the mail, including a brand spanking new Cone Engineering 18" Quiet Core reverse cone. Me and flybox1 are muffler buddies now.
Also in the mail: electronic flasher unit from CustomLED (popped in no problemo), and an Emgo Lucas-style tail light. Tail light will be going on later.
Then I was all set and ready to install Euro bars from vintagecb750.com... AAAAAAAAAAAND they don't fit. The centre on these bars is only 4.5". Fired them an email today, they refunded my money AND I get to keep the bars because of their mistake in saying they would fit my bike. Now I need another bike with a 4.5" clamp width... hmmm...
For future reference, CB750s have a clamp width of 120mm or 4.75". I ordered the Emgo Superbike bars instead.
Also since I had it off the bars, I took apart the master cylinder, boiled it, and put a new rebuild kit in there. Nice and tight now, just need to reinstall on the bike.
Want to see what has been done and needs doing? Check out my Trello board!
https://trello.com/b/EUFhf24rDang, I should start a progress thread.