Author Topic: What did you do to your bike today ?  (Read 3358432 times)

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #250 on: December 07, 2009, 12:08:58 AM »
Good on you Trav-i, helping a mate out is what it's all about. :)
I think the thing I most like about motorcycling is the speed at which my brain must process information at to avoid the numb skulls who are eating pies, playing the ukulele, applying make-up etc in the comfort of their airconditioned armchairs as they make random attempts to kill me!!!!!!!

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #251 on: December 07, 2009, 03:18:49 AM »
Well I just got discharged from the military hospital after spending two days there enjoying their hospitality. I got a blood nose (no, no one slugged me, why does everyone think that? ;D) and the blood was fairly p1ssing out and I couldn't get it to stop, so I went to the hospital at 9 pm on Saturday night, and it took the nursing staff there almost two hours to stop it.

Next day they were going to discharge me after breakfast but it started bleeding again while I was eating a slice of toast, and it took an hour to stop it again, so they kept me in for another day. No idea how it started, but it turns out the reason why it took so long for the blood to stop running is because lately I've been chowing down on Ibruprofen to relieve the pain in my right foot (stress fractures from kick starting my race engine) and the ibruprofen, like aspirin, is an "anti-coagulant", i.e., it slowed down the blood's natural clotting process.

I'm lucky it was just a blood nose and I was surrounded by good medical professionals, and not a bad gash from say, a "get off" on a lonely road somewhere, it might have been a much un-happier ending............ Oh, and I'll be riding my Rocket III back to the barracks (about 60 miles each way) on Wednesday, that's the earliest the doc will let me ride, just in case. If any of you guys are taking ibruprofen or aspirin or any other drug that thins the blood, be very, very careful.......... Cheers, Terry. ;D   
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #252 on: December 07, 2009, 11:44:54 AM »
Filled up and charged the battery then rode down and filled up the tank and added some sta-bile to it.
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Offline MCRider

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #253 on: December 07, 2009, 01:51:42 PM »
Well I just got discharged from the military hospital after spending two days there enjoying their hospitality. I got a blood nose (no, no one slugged me, why does everyone think that? ;D) and the blood was fairly p1ssing out and I couldn't get it to stop, so I went to the hospital at 9 pm on Saturday night, and it took the nursing staff there almost two hours to stop it.

Next day they were going to discharge me after breakfast but it started bleeding again while I was eating a slice of toast, and it took an hour to stop it again, so they kept me in for another day. No idea how it started, but it turns out the reason why it took so long for the blood to stop running is because lately I've been chowing down on Ibruprofen to relieve the pain in my right foot (stress fractures from kick starting my race engine) and the ibruprofen, like aspirin, is an "anti-coagulant", i.e., it slowed down the blood's natural clotting process.

I'm lucky it was just a blood nose and I was surrounded by good medical professionals, and not a bad gash from say, a "get off" on a lonely road somewhere, it might have been a much un-happier ending............ Oh, and I'll be riding my Rocket III back to the barracks (about 60 miles each way) on Wednesday, that's the earliest the doc will let me ride, just in case. If any of you guys are taking ibruprofen or aspirin or any other drug that thins the blood, be very, very careful.......... Cheers, Terry. ;D   
I knew aspirin could do that, didn't know about ibuprofen but it can mess with your stomach too.

Take care!
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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #254 on: December 07, 2009, 02:37:27 PM »
Ibuprofen will also damage your kidneys if used constantly as well, it also effects some people worse than others,  i have been advised by my doctor not to use it at all and it is going to be restricted here soon because of this.

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #255 on: December 07, 2009, 02:46:40 PM »
Spent the best part of 1 and a half hours trying to figure out where the fcuking neutral wire goes.

Offline OldSchool_IsCool

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #256 on: December 07, 2009, 04:38:10 PM »
A week of snow coming, then a week of travel.  Since it will be at least 2 weeks until I can ride again, I filled the tank, drained the carbs and brought the battery inside.  Oil only has about 50 miles on it, so left that alone.  Put 'er on center stand with cardboard between the tires and the cement floor.  Left the tire pressure at riding specs.  Hopefully it will be a SHORT 2 weeks!!

While I was at it, I drained the mower.  Also filled up the Honda HS35 and brought 'er up to operating temperature.
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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #257 on: December 07, 2009, 05:02:06 PM »
With the onset of Winter around the corner and the first snowfall this past Saturday, it was time to winterize the fleet.


Offline myhondas

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #258 on: December 07, 2009, 05:18:43 PM »
getting ready to pull the front end off the 96 vf750cd to get the fork lock for the new bike. got to do it on the new bike also. swapping helmet, fork, tank, & ignition's locks on both bikes. swapout will be complete before next year rolls around.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2009, 02:16:53 PM by myhondas »
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Offline Magpie

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #259 on: December 07, 2009, 07:01:58 PM »
Picked up my cylinders now bored to 1'st size over. Paint them and top end assembly begins. Yahoo!

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #260 on: December 07, 2009, 07:14:41 PM »
tore down some of my parts bike.
everything I say is pure speculation and
I have no idea what I'm talking about  ._.

                                    Marla              .:71CB750:.CAFE

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #261 on: December 07, 2009, 07:16:22 PM »
poked my nose in through the doorway, looked at the airtech cafe seat sitting in primer then went inside and had a beer and played the guitar. maybe i'll paint tomorrow.
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Offline shizzomynizzo

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #262 on: December 07, 2009, 09:05:44 PM »
New handlbars on. gsxr rearsets on, sort of...I didnt like the position where the frame clamps would have been, too low and forward for me. so i used the passenger peg mounts. I still have to fab up something for the brake side, but the shift side is complete.

waiting on the caliper seal to rebuild that, then I have to source some silicone. ss brake lines ready to go on too...maybe this weekend.

Float needles waiting to go in the carbs too. maybe when it warms up a bit.

Going to drop the tank off for paint in the next couple weeks too, dnt know what color yet.

AAHH the joys of the winter projects. ;)

you said it best!!

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Offline Don R

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #263 on: December 07, 2009, 11:00:47 PM »
Lee, I think your speedometer drive cable is broken. My speedo locked up and kept twisting the cable off. They fray and if you turn it backwards the wires catch and it turns. Check the end at the drive, I bet the cable twisted out of the end. I cleaned mine and soldered it back in with lots of cleaning and flux.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2009, 11:04:20 PM by Don R »
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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #264 on: December 07, 2009, 11:57:58 PM »
Wasn't today but I went for the last ride of the season yesterday. Forecast is for snow here in Toronto, Canada. Once it gets below freezing I put the bike away :).
Thought everyone might enjoy a couple of pics.
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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #265 on: December 08, 2009, 05:33:37 AM »
Love the Yellow Ones!
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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #266 on: December 08, 2009, 06:17:51 AM »
I've been on the road for a week now, but there has been lots of drooling and planning for when I get back.....
 Wich was going to be this morning but my flight is not happening and I'm still in portland or. I guess ill go drink some beer and plan a little more :)
guess who?

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #267 on: December 08, 2009, 08:34:37 PM »
Well I woke up this morning (a great start for any decent blues song ever written........) the sun was shining, and it was a mild 70 deg F, so I thought, "why not ride my Triumph Rocket III back to the barracks today?" Just a quick 60 mile ride, but enough to keep the battery topped up, and put a smile back on my face.

I made a terrible mistake though, I forgot to bring a spare helmet, and have been harrassed all day by big t1tted babes wanting to come riding on the back. No biggie, a quick phone call has assured me of a loan helmet for tomorrow, so you guys can guess what onerous duty I'll be performing in the defence of Australia's national interests. Oh well, someone's gotta do it, I guess.........  ;D 
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #268 on: December 09, 2009, 12:11:37 PM »
Damn Terry,
you gotta watch out for those hitch hiking blow up dolls mate - they are everywhere... :D

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #269 on: December 09, 2009, 04:56:39 PM »
I realized that I should have put the cover on the Goldwing.  It in now completely covered in snow, I wish I had a garage instead of a carport.

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #270 on: December 09, 2009, 09:40:28 PM »
Well I woke up this morning (a great start for any decent blues song ever written........) the sun was shining, and it was a mild 70 deg F, so I thought, "why not ride my Triumph Rocket III back to the barracks today?" Just a quick 60 mile ride, but enough to keep the battery topped up, and put a smile back on my face.

I made a terrible mistake though, I forgot to bring a spare helmet, and have been harrassed all day by big t1tted babes wanting to come riding on the back. No biggie, a quick phone call has assured me of a loan helmet for tomorrow, so you guys can guess what onerous duty I'll be performing in the defence of Australia's national interests. Oh well, someone's gotta do it, I guess.........  ;D 
A picture tells a 1000 words!!! :D
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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #271 on: December 10, 2009, 01:59:48 AM »

Oh, don't act like you didn't see that one coming!!!  ;D ;D ;D
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Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #272 on: December 10, 2009, 04:38:40 AM »
I realized that I should have put the cover on the Goldwing.  It in now completely covered in snow, I wish I had a garage instead of a carport.


Hey send that wing over to me James, it doesn't snow here, ever, and I'll keep that oil warm during the winter months mate, no worries!

Well I just beat the rain on my 60 mile return ride today, when I arrived back in Melbourne, the sky was black, and it was p1ssing down!

I've got bruises all over my shoulder blades from all them pert boobies banging into me when I had to practise my "emergency braking" techniques, and my ribs are still sore from the way some of those ladies gripped me with their tender thighs, but I'm not complaining. None of the 5 ladies I took today were of the "inflatable" variety though, and I'd have been happy to have some photographic evidence of my big day, but sadly, no cameras are allowed on Aussie military installations, so you'll just have to take my word for it men.

What was even worse, another half dozen of our "crack troops" have asked me for a ride when I bring the bike back on the weekend, so I'm hoping that the forecast rain doesn't eventuate, ha ha! Cheers, Terry. ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #273 on: December 10, 2009, 09:47:41 AM »
Way to gloat Terry :P Pics or I don't believe it.
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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #274 on: December 10, 2009, 10:22:08 AM »
If it wasn't for the pond between us, you would see the wing in person, with the CB550 in tow.
Also, if there is no photographic evidence then it didn't happen.

SOHC/4 #3328
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