hey terry,about your expensive triumph parts,im getting 8 valve stem seals from b.k.performance brisbane,4 dollars each,ok,ill buy that,i rang honda out of interest here with the part number and,sitting down?,,$16DOLLARS each!!!i asked and made sure thats not with the guide..so today i continuded on with tidying up the 550 motor i have,cases have been bead blasted /painted and reassembled,,im doing a dodgy on the entire top end,pistons cleaned grooves and all,same rings with the gunk scrapped of the backsides and a hand wet or dry hone,no bottom end gasket(minimal permatex),power drill super dave syncro seat the valves ,new guide seals though when they get here,gonna use the same head gasket which has been metho cleaned and dried,itll run ok and i can easily pull the top end again further down the track,(after i souce an "unfinished project")i know it sounds rough but its all put back together clean and its not for sale,ive done this shoddy work on my own engines for years,not v8s though or late twin cam bikes,these older motors arent too fussy.