Resynced the carbs... again!
Friend of mine was not convinced my first one was really good enough based on the rough idle and still persistent clatter. He asked me if I calibrated the tool first...
He explained how to do it, so I tested and calibrated all four gauges against the #2 carb, and then proceeded to sync again.
WOW, what a difference! Chain is quiet, idle smooth and steady at the fat ~1200 mark on the tach, no more surging/stalls at stops... seems to run cooler.
Yep, runs like a purring kitten on catnip!
Powerband is impressive too, I can confidently split lanes and pull out at the green.
Getting on the freeway was like punching the hyperdrive on the Millennium Falcon!
Even at 80mph, there was top end left. Twist that throttle and off she went to 90 with no hesitation. Had I had the freeway to myself, I would have tried for a tonne, no problem.
Still have a laundry list to get her into top mechanical shape: Clutch, brakes, possibly wheel bearings, and both the tach and the shifter seals need replacing. Suspension needs some work too, but it is well in spec, just not perfect.