After some recent events ie divorce winding down, Godzilla completing North America and Scorcerer beginning the rebirth of his dad's RC machines, I got motivated. FINALLY! Back to the garage. Last attempt at the engine was at a bad time and my inattentiveness resulted in twisted rings and stuck cylinders. Back off and regroup! Wait for the right time. Today I got the new rings installed and put the 2 pistons back on. Cautiously I attacked the cylinders. Not real easy but they went on fine. I rotated the crank a few turns and all seemed well. I then proceeded to install the head. 2 of the holes for those 4 "special bolts" that go in the middle of the head needed chasing to clean them out as well as the bolt threads themselves. Head needed to come off and guess what, yes, I dropped a nut right down that damned cam chain tunnel! MF'r! Couldn't locate it so I dropped the oil pan and searched. Moved the engine in various directions. No luck. Fished with a magnet without luck. #$%*! Off came the dreaded cylinders. That REALLY sucks considering what I went through. Looked around and twisted the engine around, up and down. Lo and behold head nut #16 was on the bench. Sure hoping it's not a spare! I'm using new shiny ones and I was very cautious to order the exact quantity so I think I'm good. Tomorrow is a new day! Wish me luck as I hope to have the top end done and ready to dial in the cam on my next attempt.