Hey Mike, I had the same thing when I was still really new to these bikes. I dropped off my nike t get the carbs done. Told me less then 1 week as work had slowed down dramatically. I called the first week, wasn't even looked at. Second week same thing. Third week they tried to say I had an electrical problem. I ordered HondaMans fuse box and they said I had the same problem when I stopped in there. They let me go in the back to see that they disassembled the rear tail light and that was it. I told them right there that they need to put it back to how it was and I am taking it....
They had the nerve to say, "it's on the house, don't owrry about paying anything."
I responded with charge me for what? Holding onto my bike for weeks, not getting to it and then taking apart the front headlight and rear?

? I have not gone back there since. Learned how to do the carbs myself and she ran great the last two months I rode her.
if it was my bike, I would just take her out; rather sitting at their shop collecting dust and unfulfilled promises, let her sit in your garage until you can find a person who can get her done correctly. Plus I would not pay for the services and put up a stink. I am a clam person as well, but when it comes to my bike.... I have little patience for nonsense.