Author Topic: What did you do to your bike today ?  (Read 3337109 times)

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Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6325 on: May 21, 2011, 10:48:31 PM »
Scored a CB750 engine (well, bottom half, anyway) for 200 bucks, looks like the cases have never been apart, woohoo!  ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline Lavis500

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6326 on: May 22, 2011, 12:52:50 AM »
Wheeled her into my storage unit with her engine loosely buttoned up and in a big sterilite box.  Didn't have enough time to put her back together before I leave since I found out that the valve springs are weak.  I'm about to take a 1 year vacation to Afghanistan, so she'll have to sit and wait for me.

I guess I'll be seeing you guys around!  SOHC WORLD TOUR 2012 when I get back!!!
"Whatever it is, I swear I didn't do it!"

'73 CB500 - Sally

Offline db22

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6327 on: May 22, 2011, 04:12:26 AM »
Wheeled her into my storage unit with her engine loosely buttoned up and in a big sterilite box.  Didn't have enough time to put her back together before I leave since I found out that the valve springs are weak.  I'm about to take a 1 year vacation to Afghanistan, so she'll have to sit and wait for me.

I guess I'll be seeing you guys around!  SOHC WORLD TOUR 2012 when I get back!!!
Lavis500: Keep your kevlar strapped on tight!  Thank you for doing this for the rest of us, and check in when you have an internet connection.  Warmest wishes for success and a safe return!
1975 CB550K (rider)
1975 CB550K (shaping up, slowly)
I may be goin' to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoyin' the ride. . .

Offline WhyNot2

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6328 on: May 22, 2011, 04:21:31 AM »
Wheeled her into my storage unit with her engine loosely buttoned up and in a big sterilite box.  Didn't have enough time to put her back together before I leave since I found out that the valve springs are weak.  I'm about to take a 1 year vacation to Afghanistan, so she'll have to sit and wait for me.

I guess I'll be seeing you guys around!  SOHC WORLD TOUR 2012 when I get back!!!

Lavis500, my thoughts exactly, Check in when you can, stay safe.

I too, had the pleasure of a vacation in SWA, back during the first persian gulf war.

God Bless and take care, this coming from a old army retarded......uh...retiree.

Thanks for being there when you're needed most.

Wheeled her into my storage unit with her engine loosely buttoned up and in a big sterilite box.  Didn't have enough time to put her back together before I leave since I found out that the valve springs are weak.  I'm about to take a 1 year vacation to Afghanistan, so she'll have to sit and wait for me.

I guess I'll be seeing you guys around!  SOHC WORLD TOUR 2012 when I get back!!!
Lavis500: Keep your kevlar strapped on tight!  Thank you for doing this for the rest of us, and check in when you have an internet connection.  Warmest wishes for success and a safe return!
« Last Edit: May 22, 2011, 04:24:11 AM by budlite282 »
If it ain't raining, I'm riding.....~~{iii}?~~prost

If it sounds like I know what I'm talking about, it's because I cut and pasted from someone else.

Offline MoMo

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6329 on: May 22, 2011, 05:00:22 AM »
Wheeled her into my storage unit with her engine loosely buttoned up and in a big sterilite box.  Didn't have enough time to put her back together before I leave since I found out that the valve springs are weak.  I'm about to take a 1 year vacation to Afghanistan, so she'll have to sit and wait for me.

I guess I'll be seeing you guys around!  SOHC WORLD TOUR 2012 when I get back!!!

Thank you for serving.   God bless you...Larry


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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6330 on: May 22, 2011, 05:53:42 AM »
Wheeled her into my storage unit with her engine loosely buttoned up and in a big sterilite box.  Didn't have enough time to put her back together before I leave since I found out that the valve springs are weak.  I'm about to take a 1 year vacation to Afghanistan, so she'll have to sit and wait for me.

Be careful out there, remember this ain't no dress rehearsal.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 01:50:25 AM by Markcb750 »

Offline Freaky1

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6331 on: May 22, 2011, 07:45:28 AM »
Went to the welder yesterday and got everything welded up, nothing like loading a bucket of parts in the truck only to return with only three pieces! ;D ;D ;D

Did a small bit of grinding this morning and found only one spot that got a bit bungled, oh well it adds character right? Going to get the rest of the frame ground down today and hopefully split and gut the cases so I can mount the oil tank. If it all goes well, tomorrow I can take the frame, motor, and oil tank to the shop and get the custom oil lines made.
That which does not kill you leaves cool scabs which turn into awesome scars.

'77 CB750F Come on...were almost there!

Offline Frankenkit

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6332 on: May 22, 2011, 08:34:24 AM »
Yesterday did a bunch of electrical testing but everything about the charging system seemed alright- the alternator put out exactly what it was supposed to, the RR stopped when it was supposed to, yadda yadda.  Tested the 'new' battery.  It's problem was that even though it would TAKE a charge, under load the voltage would drop like crazy and not come back up again.  For the record, batteries plus can kiss my butt.  Got a Yuasa and put it in.  All tests came back entirely positive.  Problem solved.

Turned my attention to the CL350 I've been thinking hard about selling.  Tested its battery (a Yuasa that's been sitting a year without trickle charger on it) 11.6ish.  Figure "what the hell, I'll kick it. If it doesn't start, I'll feel even better 'bout selling it."  It started on the first try.  Cheeky little bastard.  Took it for a quick spin in the rain and it kept impressing me with how much zip it had even with old gas and a low battery.  I caved, admitted defeat and decided to keep it. ;D Gotta change that headlight bulb though.  Looks like a chipmunk holding a candle in there!
"Moderation in all things - especially moderation. Too much moderation is excessive. The occasional excess is all part of living the moderate life."
2012 CBR250R "Black Betty"
1980 CB650c- (sold) Delilah
1973 CL350- Lola?
Sweet, bubbly, Buddha - Say it ain't so!!!
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Offline motocyconomad

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6333 on: May 22, 2011, 08:48:51 AM »
rode back and forth to work and will go later to paint and grind on ol Holly up there with george and see him and his beast

Offline dhall57

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6334 on: May 23, 2011, 10:44:00 AM »
Just got back from the DMV with tags and registration in hand for my KO. Another week or so I'll have title back and I'll officially be the proud owner. It's not ready for the road yet, but when it is I'll be good to go. ;)

Going to work on adjusting the valves right now.
1970 CB750KO
1971 CB500KO-project bike
1973 CB350G- project bike
1974 CB750K4-project bike
1974 CB750K4
1976 CB750K6
1977 GL1000
1997 Harley Wideglide

Offline nancy

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6335 on: May 23, 2011, 01:29:04 PM »
Rode back from town in the early morning about 6:30am and it was still dark. Doing 55mph on the main highway home and as I approached a crosssing, a dingbat in a little convertible pulled out from his stop - right in front of me to do his right turn. I had about 20 metres and .25 second to react. My brain didn't say "BRAKE!!!" it said,...we can get out of this...I Flashed my lights to full and held my line and said a very quick prayer. He spotted me, braked HARD and pulled up as I went past his bonnet still going about 50. Gave his the statutory left arm salute and went home to worry about it for the rest of the day.
I have been paranoid about cars stopped at intersections like that anyway - and now I'm double-dosed. Luckily, I had dropped my speed down a bit in anticipation of him boing a bird-brain.

Offline mjstone

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6336 on: May 23, 2011, 02:25:14 PM »
Well, yesterday I adjusted my valves installed my, Pamco ignition, set the timing, adjusted the cam chain tensioner and finally synced my carbs.  What I didn't do was replace my plugs.  The autoparts store didn't have the ones I wanted.

So, today I rode into Flint to Rocky's and bought 2 sets of plugs, one for now and a spare set for the Rally.  She runs much better now and I expect more improvement with new plugs.  And yes I will go threw and check timing and resync the carbs as well.  This will be next weekends project.

That Pamco install went in very easy.  Excellent quality there!  The bike fired right up first try.  ;D ;D 8)

1972 CB500Four (Honda)
1973 CB500Four (Oliver)

Offline dhall57

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6337 on: May 23, 2011, 02:36:30 PM »
Nancy your quick decision and reaction probably saved you from something bad happening. Being older and knowing I will not live forever like I thought when was I much younger, I'm very aware of cars waitting to make Lt. turns in frt of me and cars pulling out of side roads. Im watching for the frt. wheels to start rolling or any movement what so ever. All we can do is stay alert and try to ride as safe as we can.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 02:38:08 PM by dhall57 »
1970 CB750KO
1971 CB500KO-project bike
1973 CB350G- project bike
1974 CB750K4-project bike
1974 CB750K4
1976 CB750K6
1977 GL1000
1997 Harley Wideglide

Offline fire113

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6338 on: May 23, 2011, 05:07:53 PM »
 ...found the oil leak  :o

Honda CB750 K0 & K0 & K1 & K1 & K2 & K2 & K6

Offline bmxjrod

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6339 on: May 23, 2011, 05:26:01 PM »
Got my new headlight mounts today and realized that I have to take the forks off to remove the stock mounts... so since they are off, I went ahead and ordered new fork seals, dust caps, and a few other odds and ends that I need from Dime City Cycles. They are good dudes and ship pretty quick.
CB750 K6

Offline MOtub

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6340 on: May 23, 2011, 06:15:00 PM »
Not today, but last Saturday - started her up and took a nice ride around town. The weather here in Missouri has not been very motorcycle friendly this spring, but i had some time to spare and some sunshine (for a short while anyway). Here's a picture down at the Veterans' Memorial at the State Capitol -
76 CB400F
74 CB550
73 CL125S

Offline mblessing

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6341 on: May 23, 2011, 08:22:21 PM »
picked it up from my mechanic and holy $h1t did they tune my 550 up.  It needed too much work for me to learn this quickly so I paid dearly for it, but I know and trust the mechanic who works on a lot of older bikes.  Adjusted valves, cam chain, points, new plugs, sync'd carbs, new tires, and inspected.  Wow, I didn't realize how much power this bike was missing, being my first bike in two decades.  I pulled out in the parking lot and the bike just lunged forward with barely any throttle.  Roads were soaked from a 20 minute downpour and those new Bridgestone Spitfires stuck to the road pretty well.  Now just stop all this freakin rain in the northeast so I can ride!
'76 CB550, still debating, to bob, or not to bob...

Offline jvandyke

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6342 on: May 23, 2011, 08:34:36 PM »
Swapped original blinker flasher for a Tridon LF12 it was the cheapest electric/mechanical one Autozone had, said something about "LOUD" on it which I felt would be good, it's not loud but it does work perfectly, nice even blink at all rpms and it fit in the rubber holder the OEM one was in, that was an easy fix. $5.99  It was yellow.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 08:43:24 PM by jvandyke »
1972 CB500, 7500 miles, in family since '73

Offline Frankenkit

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6343 on: May 23, 2011, 09:10:10 PM »
took the bags off the 650, checked its battery- all is as it should be.  futzed some with the 350, just cleaning stuff up a little.  Started work on the other 350, just putting the headlight bucket back on and tach cable.
"Moderation in all things - especially moderation. Too much moderation is excessive. The occasional excess is all part of living the moderate life."
2012 CBR250R "Black Betty"
1980 CB650c- (sold) Delilah
1973 CL350- Lola?
Sweet, bubbly, Buddha - Say it ain't so!!!
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Offline vrenlos

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6344 on: May 23, 2011, 09:49:45 PM »
Last week I scored a "new" master cylinder on ebay from a 2005 Harley with a single disk, and seeing as the piston bore is 9/16" (14.2mm) I figured I'd be in good shape.  So after doing some serious searching for a 7/16" banjo at a local dealer and then grinding out the fittings on my brake lines to take the bolt (smart or not, I still haven't decided) I finally decided to mount the thing up.  I shimmed it onto the bars, filled it with fluid, started bleeding, and I haven't been able to build up an ounce of pressure yet.  I'm at wit's end, so I'm going to bed.
1975 CB550K1
2009 Ducati Monster 696

Offline mrbreeze

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6345 on: May 23, 2011, 11:20:41 PM »
Nancy your quick decision and reaction probably saved you from something bad happening. Being older and knowing I will not live forever like I thought when was I much younger, I'm very aware of cars waitting to make Lt. turns in frt of me and cars pulling out of side roads. Im watching for the frt. wheels to start rolling or any movement what so ever. All we can do is stay alert and try to ride as safe as we can.
You just said everything I was thinking when I read that........ It really does come with age and experience...............when you're will take chances and possibly kill yourself. When you are will be more cautious allthough that doesn't mean you still won't be in danger........BE F"N CAREFUL OUT THERE MY 2 WHEELED BROS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Fool me once..shame on you. Fool me twice..I'm kickin' your a$$......

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6346 on: May 24, 2011, 03:53:40 AM »
Nothing today but on saturday i put an hours charge in the battery and fired her up for the first time this year  8), everything worked ok so i checked the oil tyres etc and took her for a ride  8).

Honda CB750 KO 1970,   Honda VTX 1300 2006, Lancaster England.

Offline MoMo

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6347 on: May 24, 2011, 03:57:17 AM »
That is one fine looking ride you have mcpuffett...Larry

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6348 on: May 24, 2011, 04:05:46 AM »
Thanks Larry, she's coming along nicely i keep doing little bits each season  ;), cheers Mick.
Honda CB750 KO 1970,   Honda VTX 1300 2006, Lancaster England.

Offline MACASIEBjj

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ?
« Reply #6349 on: May 24, 2011, 12:02:09 PM »
Technically not all today, but from Friday (5/20) to today (5/24)

'77 Honda cb750k - Got the bike down to the bare frame, engine out and everything and fiitted a complete 2001 Yamaha R6 front-end to the frame.  Unfortunately, I couldn't put in my order for the bearings as the bottom bearings are currently out of stock until mid-June.  Was able to order my 1991 Honda F2 swingarm that I am hoping will fit the R6 rear wheel.  While I wait for these parts, next up is to tear down the engine and look for a cafe seat to my liking.   ;D
2000 Ducati 748R
1977 Honda CB750k