Today I rode the KZ 750 around all morning just to keep her limbered up. I was supposed to take Tara to bike night at Quaker Steak and Lube in Milford. She had to work late and asked me to meet her for dinner early, so I decided to swap back to the 360.
Before I took it out I took off the tach and speedo to replace the rubber shock mounts. It looks like the tach was replaced at some point. The rubber for the tach was all old but good. The speedo rubber was all toast especially the internal that seperates it from the cup. I put on what I had and ordered the rest. I had to toss out the speedo rubber, yes I used e-tape and made a sweet hillbilly shock mount.

Once the OEM pieces come in I'll take it all apart again and replace everything. I scored 4 bulbs from NAPA to replace one that was burnt on the speedo. I put two new 3.4 watt, 12 volt 1 candle power bulbs in the speedo. The tach lights I'll replace when the rubber parts come in.
Rode the 360 to QS&L... Totally lame, at 8:00pm there were maybe 6 bikes there, all generic HD's. I turned around in the lot and headed to the house.