what's a tank slapper?
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=90969.msg1017044#msg1017044 Watch the videos.
Jesus. That looks terrifying. So a steering damper can prevent that?
had my first tank slapper today, at 80 miles an hour
Glad you're ok Mickey. And you too KCB
Being they are performance bikes, they likely had dampers already, so no a damper won't prevent it. A damper may make it manageable. Having been the recipient of a TS that un ceremoniously, and very quickly threw me to the ground at 60mph, I'll say the TS usually begins with a problem. An improperly set up suspension, etc. tho in many cases its an act of God and nothing could have been done to prevent it.
In my case the HawkGT had a reputation, unknown to me, for tankslappers as the front forks were of an old design (happens to be the same design as our CBs). A deep pothole at speed overwhelmed the fork which translated to a tankslapper.
Cartridge emulators fix the problem. I doubt a damper would have helped me. Now with the emulators, a damper may be a good add on.
The problem with putting a damper on a bike that didn't come with one comes if it is done before EVERYTHING else is addressed. Bearings, tires, forks, rear shocks, swingarm, etc. Once that is all sorted, THEN you put on a damper.
You don't want the damper to mask a fundamental problem. IMO