Well bought a few 750's a few weeks back and have dug into some carbs.Found one on a rack,its a #1 so easy to get back to if needed, that I had to go a little Ghetto on.As pictured it has a major,what could be a death knell crack.Somebody went to hard on the installation
Well grab the 45 and lets go for a ride
Prepped up the broken area real well,sandpaper etc.,cleaned all the threads on the emulsifier tube and carefully threaded her in to its maximum depth-OOOHH, Don't split her up worse now.
Trimmed down the 45 ACP brass that I picked up after my deed and proceeded to grind ,file and fit as needed,
Filled the crack and also coated the outside of my intended target as well as the inside of my new custom and prepped brass buddy from the ride with a secret ingredient.
With a firm grip and a gentle twist the deed was done and the cast had been completed and the seal had been made.
Only the future will tell if what was done today shall last.
Reports in 6 Months---