Nearing the end of the 750 rebuild, motor put back in the frame on Sunday..all looking good and set to almost onto minor put in the clutch. Find a a 25mm thrust washer sitting on the floor with my clutch lifter plate - hmmmm, didn't seem to belong there. Clutch out again. All components checked to Honda book and fiche. Oh oh....looks like a gearbox washer...Holy heck!!!
Blind panic set in and I started to feel a little sick...upstairs to the PC..closer look at the fiche and yep - the washer belonged on the end of the gearbox mainshaft..OUTSIDE the end bearing, behind the bearing cover - inside the shifter cover. Phew...easy reach from shifter cover - had it back in there in 5mins. Back to the clutch...back in again and broke the pressure plate while doing up the lifter bolts. Oh crap. And.. I know about aligning the back on the splines..and I know about even tightening sequence and I still fooked it.
Oh well...waiting for another pressure plate - I'll refit the starter motor. Easy - didn't expect that. Thought I'd test it..with an external battery - span just great....but backwards... clockwise. Crap again. Back out, refit internals - dunno why but now it spins correctly (I hope)...counter-clockwise,..right??

Gave some TV. Back into it tomorrow.