I was a good boy yesterday and spent 6 hours in the yard mowing and weed whacking, but my agenda was to get all my chores out of the way so I could take my Triumph for it's first decent ride in months. As is often the case, the beautiful weather we had yesterday didn't reappear today, it was much cooler and threatened rain.
Regardless, being the manly man that I am, I rode off into the eye of the storm, or at least in it's general direction. I filled the bike up at the nearest gas station as I'd been robbing it of fuel for my mowers and weed whacker, blower etc, and it was pretty low. I filled it up with nice fresh 98 Ron Caltex fuel and pumped the tires up. I can't believe how they'd both lost 8-10 pounds (checked with my pocket air gauge) over the last couple of months? Oh well.
Anyway, I had a great ride, not sure how many miles I did, but my fuel gauge was only showing a quarter of a tank after my 3 hours in the saddle. I dropped in on my mate John (with the wonderful bike collection) on my way home and had a chat, and organised a ride for next Sunday, weather permitting. All up, a great day!