When and where are you going Terry? I should drop by and say 'see ya' before you go.
Plus - you know you can trust me to run your bikes for you whilst you are gone, just pick one of them to leave with me!
(Not the Triumph...)
Ha ha, you're actually one of the few blokes I'd trust with my bikes Cliff, but you couldn't handle the Triumph, with the equivalent of a CB750 in each of it's three cylinders it's a monster, and not forgiving of the inexperienced, or the nervous.
My brother (who bought it new) rode it home from the shop and was so frightened of it that he never rode it again. I love it, but I've probably taken one too many hits to the head over the years, so who knows where my brain's at?
I'm off to Nauru either next week or the week after. I'm gonna be coming back and forth every two or three weeks, but at this stage everyone is making it up as they go along, so no clear details yet. My national manager went over on Thursday because I didn't get my passport until Friday, and I'll be following him in and doing a handover, then we'll be swapping every two or three weeks.
It was 35 deg C on Wednesday and 90% humidity, and they had 12 inches of rain in just 30 minutes, so it'll be fun in the tent city in which I'll be living, but it's all part of the adventure! Cheers, Terry.