Well, I pulled the top end of the 836 apart again today.
It's been a work in progress for a few months (or more) now.
Anyway, the plan was and is to have some bike time over the Xmas break.
I was thinking to myself, you bloody beauty, some free time away from the riff raff.
So anyway, I woke up suddenly at about a quarter past three this morning and started thinking "Did you check those oil galleries in the crank case"
FCUK, did I or didn't I???
After convincing myself that I had checked 'em, I still wasn't convinced.
This morning I went and did some Xmas shopping and then went down to the shed because something was biting me on the arse about this.
Off with the rocker box, out with the cam, off with the cam towers and then got the air gun and blew some air into the oil galleries in the head.
Far out Coral Trout, she's pressurising.
So I unbolted the head and took the barrels off and then removed the 2 head studs that are located in the oil feed ports.
Then blew some air into the stud holes, and guess what, still pressurising.
You bastard.
What I did was to get a 2.5mm dill bit and work it back and forth until the holes were nice and clear.
So the bottom line is, this process is a crucial part of a rebuild that will avoid the top end getting totalled on initial fire up.
If not initially, it won't be too far afterwards.
Merry Xmas All.