Charged up the battery in a 550 , put in some fresh non alcohol fuel , checked the oil and viola, it runs. took it for a ride around town .All good.
Figured I would have time to fire up another 550. Went to napa and got a fresh battery, checked the oil, put in some fresh non alcohol fuel . I expected it to run as easy as the first one. no, not this time, it ran ratty. So I figure I would run some fuel through it and give those carbs a chance to flush themselves clean.... I gotta tell you, I hate first season starts, Sunday I pushed one home and today was no different.
maybe a little different, I didn't loose my checkbook today. Turned out to be kinked fuel lines starving the carbs, and of course it started up when I got it home.Picked up new fuel line.
Thought I might go best two out of three, and fire up a 500 cafe , did the usual stuff but not even a pop. Gotta check the electronic ignition, everything else works.
The tank is coming off, seems that I have developed a pinhole...didn't know till I fueled it. Brazing it soon.Wanted to change color anyways, got too many red bikes, don't have any blue ones .
That was today's fun.