Wet sanded, cut and buffed the new paint and reassembled.
I made some mistakes that a pro would fix right away, but I need to live with so I can make sure the mechanicals are fully sorted so I can stop just working on it and get to riding.
During the cutting phase I must have pressed too hard and/or not held the buffer straight enough on one of the front curves of the tank because I blew right through to the base coat. I also got through to metal in a couple places right at the bottom at the welds. When installing the side trim I overtighted the retaining screw and there are some cracks in the paint finish. Fortunately that last one isn't really visible unless you look really hard.
Overall I am very happy with the color, although I am still debating the 2-tone side cover. I am still finishing redoing the badges for the tank, but other than that body and paint are done.