Yesterday; Sandblasted all the footpegs, sprayed a coat of primer on all the metal parts and 4 hrs later put the 1st coat of black. Meanwhile put the genrator cover back on, took it off, put it back on, don't ask. Tried to put the exhaust port flanges on, took them off, tapped all the threads to clean the shyte and paint off them, Put all of them on again. Rummaged around the shed for 35 mins looking where the feck did I put that new oil filter. Found it, assembled the lot then halfway had to extract the screw, tap the thread, clean the crap out, refit it. Then I checked the book, oh bollox forgot the spring that goes behind the filter cartridge. Take it off, fit spring, then it was just as I was about to re-re-fit it I realised there was a brand new small 'o' ring in the box the filter came with. Prise out the old one, replace with new one. All in all 5 hrs of pure joy. Learnt a very important lesson here: DON'T SIT AROUND SCRATCHING YER ARSE WHILST WAITING FOR THOSE ENGINE PARTS TO ARRIVE, CLEAN OUT ALL THOSE SCREW/BOLT THREADS.
Today: walked the dog.