i like it,looks like the ones used in the old aussie movie "stone".
Yep, remember when we referred to them as "Stone" fairings Dave? Of course, they were (and still are) copies of BMW's R90S fairing. I had one on my F1 back in 1978, it was horrible, actually caused speed wobbles. I didn't have that problem on my BMW though, go figure.......
I've been having problems with the K2 clutch grabbing, it's unusual, because it wasn't a problem before the rebuild. I installed a new cable when I rebuilt the bike and adjusted it correctly, but I was getting sick of the loud "Clunk" into first (hot or cold) and it was pretty "notchy" on a ride as well. This morning I "bit the bullet" and competely disassembled the clutch, but couldn't find a thing wrong with it?
Bugger! I degreased everything (including the plates) and re-assembled it dry. I started the engine, selected 1st and "Click", it was beautiful! I tried a few more times and with every one, it got clunkier and clunkier. Bugger again. I suspected that the oil was the problem, it's that shiit Valvoline XLD, and the only other time I used it in a bike (My Kawasaki Z1) it was awful too, so I'll dump it out and put something more suitable in tomorrow. Cheers, Terry.