Yesterday I worked on replacing the old super stretched out chain. I figured while I was in there I'd clean things up a bit. First I drained the oil and took out what was once the oil filter. Pulled the shifter plate, the front sprocket cover, the front sprocket, and chain guard. Everything got a good soak in degreaser as I cleaned up 33 years of chain wax and grease out of the front sprocket's house. That was not fun.
After everything was clean, I sprayed a coat or two of black on the chain guard. Buttoned everything up, new oil, filter and o rings, shifter plate gasket, new chain etc. Did my best to adjust the chain as I have never done this before. In the middle of all this I also put a few coats of Rustoleum Trim and Bumper Black on the air box.
I didn't have time to get everything back together, as we had dinner reservations and I was a filthy mess. I'll post some pics when it's done.