First off, my 77 cb750 came with pods on it already and 120 mains... previous owner couldn't get it to run right, i picked it up for a song. I found a float installed upside down, fixed that still wouldn't run right, so I cleaned the accelerator pump circuit and the primary jets and got curious about the needle position with the 120 mains, needle was on the leanest setting, well that explained the lean misfire at 1/8-1/4 throttle, clip to middle of five position choices...
I now have crisp clean throttle response! and EXCELLENT! low end and mid range. still missing a little something on the plus side of 6500rpm's (probably the stock "restrictive" cylinder head) but I really don't need to go +110mph on my 35 year old bike now do I.
My set up:
1977 cb750K
primary=35 (stock)
1/2-3/4 out on idle screw (total form seated)
crappy cheep emgo pods (not by choice, air box was lost to fire by previous owner)
4into2 exhaust (mac?) kinda loud'ish free(er) flowing
and running on E10 pump gas (premium!)