Here's a trick I read here years ago, it worked brillantly for me:
Clean up you engine best you can, get all fresh oil off. Spray all the areas it might be leaking with a can or two of athletes foot powder. The powder is bright white, when even a drop of oil comes through, you'll be able to see it immediatly and you'll know where the leak is.
If it's leaking out the tappet covers, replace the o-rings. Do not tighten those down much or the threads will shear off in the engine.
If it's leaking at the gasket, you'll see the oil there between the fins. If it's the pucks, oil will drain down below the head gasket and out the fins on the cylinders. Either of these require an engine pull to repair and it's a common job - search head leak or head gasket or the like.
Here's mine: all my problems were the result of trying to cut corners.
Use the atheltes foot trick. It works better than it sounds.