Author Topic: The military's oath to protect the US against threats both domestic and foreign  (Read 9003 times)

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Offline cbjunkie

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this means when we email terry or jim or steve we should be REALLY CAREFUL about what we say!

thank god noone's name is Jack...

"Hi Jack! I was hoping you could ship me that load of aluminum tubes i was going to modify to fit the ole rocket!
she's lookin' real nice now and almost ready for the trip up to the big city...sure to be a big hit there!"

salam  ;D
1971 750K1
1972 CB350 (deceased)

sometimes naked, sometimes mad -
now the poet, now the fool -
thus they appear on earth,
the free men.


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 :D :D

Offline DiscoEd

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Ha! Did anyone really think that none of this stuff with the NSA wasn't going on? This has been really good for a laugh. The media is doing a great job of making citizens of the States believe that spying is new on the shores of the US.

I sure feel sorry for the poor sob at the NSA that's been toiling away listening in to my communications. ::)

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Offline 74cb750

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Remember the words of George Orwell, paraphraszed by Thomas H Lee,
Keep them in fear, it's easier to steal their money.

Mery CHRISTmass y'll, from your friends at NSA

Laugh at least once a day.
Life  $ucks, then you die.
You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.
God forces us to live with  non-believers to test our resolve.

Offline 750deepsouth

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So, if everything started from the "Big Bang", then who lit the fuse?
I never said I didn't believe in the supernatural as well.
God lit the fuse, evolution took over, and he's been laughing ever since......

Religion is the opiate of the masses.  Please check for needle marks as well as wiretaps. Please have your geiger counters ready to check on your neighbours. Duct tape. Red Alert.



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Ok, guys...I somehow missed this post, most likely while LIVING, shopping and cooking and picking up relatives who braved the skies and flew into Denver. 

And I refuse to get into the religious discussion;

BUT on the subject of our current WAR here is my opinion: 

THIS IS AN AWAY GAME! - We're there so I can LIVE, shop, cook, pickup relatives who FLY around etc etc!

AND I admit, I have never been in the service, BUT I can shoot a gun and surprisingly would have very little lost sleep, if in the process of protecting myself or my family, I killed someone.  NOTE:  I DO NOT don't think you'll get a second chance won't happen on my watch! why give some MF a chance to come hurt me, my kids, or even my neighbors?? (Must be a "Texan" mentality but I was taught to EMPTY the gun or shotgun...Ammunitions CHEAP!!)

ANYWAY:  to me it is VERY simple:  We're killing them THERE so they are NOT killing us HERE...VERY VERY SIMPLE!

I realize many would say I have a "ultra-simplistic" view.  YES I do.  I want to be able to LIVE, shop, cook, hug my relatives and family...and if it means we go to foreign lands, break things and kill people, that's OK by me!  Better there than here! 

And on the subject of where the "game=war" is:  quite frankly, I'm amazed there has been less "blood in the streets" if you get my drift, after 9/11. 

And if things like 9/11 happened...say every 3- 6 months or so,,,,you can BET there would be LOTS of blood in the streets...of many innocent Muslems (yes I know I spelled it wrong), but MAYBE, just maybe some of that blood would be from a real scumbag and killing that one creep would save an AMERICAN's life, and if so, that's fine with me!  (Ruthless B*tch, I know!)

Anyway, regarding the politicos...the "other guys" who's names remain unsaid in my home, have NOT once said how they would protect ME or MY Family.  As far as I'm concerned-they are "girly-men, or worse"...not sure what IS worst, but whatever it is, they are it!

SO Dubya's fine by ME!  

AND for those ungrateful creatins on Capital Hill...they should get down on their knees EVERY day and bless those people in the PA plane.  Those fine souls saved the sorriest A**s in the USA.....sometimes I WISH very much that the flight that crashed in PA hadn't!  Until one or 40 of those creeps on Capital Hill DIES...THEY JUST DON'T GET IT. 

These F&ckers in the Middel East want to KILL US, EVERY LIVING BREATHING CHRISTIAN OR AMERICAN ON EARTH.   They want to cut our heads off, or nuke us, or whatever...and the brainf*arts we have serving in the House and Senate want to tie us up in nice "legal" HANDCUFFS, and give those sh*its RIGHTS my fathers and many of yours for 12 generations back FOUGHT AND DIED FOR!

AND the true heros on 9/11 were those on the PA plane that took a VOTE to take their fate into their own hands, and those firemen that kept climbing the WTC stairs, even after the first tower fell.  I can only imagine their thoughts!

NOT one slimeball in DC is any kind of hero to me.  I think it's time we vote ALL the F&ckers out!!


Merry Christmas and can anyone help me with my post on lowering blocks - I really need photos of successful conversions and some answers.

(who is the te**orists WORST effin nightmare:  a WOMAN who can shoot, run businesses, make boocoups of $$$$, drive, raise children, and THINK FOR HERSELF.  And who is not afraid to tell them to go F themselves!  AND would carry a shotgun under her BerKA if she was cursed to live in their God-forsaken-LITERALLY-country.)

PS-what the F are they going to do in 100 years when WE don't buy their sand?  Cause, other than Isreal (mispelled, I know) NONE of those countries can even FEED itself NOW!!

Sorry so long, but this has been on my pea-brain for past 4 years!

Offline oldbiker

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I'm with you Linda. Trouble is, I'm not allowed to own a gun in this 'FREE' country so I have to accept youths throwing stones at my windows and pushing bricks off my garden walls. The Police can do nothing, they tell me, because I cannot PROVE who did it.

Offline Terry in Australia

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I'm with you Linda. Trouble is, I'm not allowed to own a gun in this 'FREE' country so I have to accept youths throwing stones at my windows and pushing bricks off my garden walls. The Police can do nothing, they tell me, because I cannot PROVE who did it.

Ha ha, I can just imagine John, you'd be like Jonesy or Godfrey from "Dad's Army", ha ha! Cheers, "Young Mr Terry"  ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline cb650

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Well said Linda!!!!   That was my point.   I only threw in the armor comment after the crusades where brought up.  I never remember fighting in the crusades.   Half my family we here already hunting buffalo.   Guess I just need to be severly injured insead of being beheaded. 
The only time you need to watch what you say around me is if your in my house preaching your garbage.
Merry Christmas to all those protecting US.

18 grand and 18 miles dont make you a biker

Offline cbjunkie

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i think most people feel the same way as linda - including the mothers and families who live, make love and raise families on top of our oil. (i mean "our" in the sense of it belonging to the inhabitants of the planet.)
 i wonder why they want to kill us?
why in the world do they hate us so much?
i wonder if we have ever mistreated or abused them and their resources and culture to feed our own lavish lifestyles?
surely God-fearing Christians would never do that! (cough, cough - native americans - ahem! cough!)
« Last Edit: December 25, 2005, 09:06:54 AM by cbjunkie »
1971 750K1
1972 CB350 (deceased)

sometimes naked, sometimes mad -
now the poet, now the fool -
thus they appear on earth,
the free men.


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i think most people feel the same way as linda - including the mothers and families who live, make love and raise families on top of our oil. (i mean "our" in the sense of it belonging to the inhabitants of the planet.)
 i wonder why they want to kill us?
why in the world do they hate us so much?
i wonder if we have ever mistreated or abused them and their resources and culture to feed our own lavish lifestyles?
surely God-fearing Christians would never do that! (cough, cough - native americans - ahem! cough!)


Doesn't ANYONE ever ask...."WHO keeps the middle East Cultures in poverty-aka-30 to 50% unemployment? "  

HOW can my spending $3-4 a gallon on gas...NOT be HELPING their cultures???  AND WHAT if we did not have "lavish lifestyles?"  huh, what then??  Cause in the next 100 years, if they don't get on the ball, those countries will have to eat dirt, cause the good ole USA will NOT be using their nasty ole oil for our lavish lifestyles!

I personally have NEVER stepped foot in that area of the world, but I do send SIGNIFICANT amounts of my hard (and sometimes easily) earned money over there in the way of buying Gasoline.  Although I am doing my best to change that...with BB and not driving 2 days a week in my retirement-that is what I am doing for my war efforts.  Not much, but the best I can do right now.  AND I would GLADLY pay $40 per gallon of gas to tell that area of the world to go F OFF!

But the bigger issues remain:

Why doesn't the average man-on-the-street in Ireq or Iren or Syrea or even Egipt (yes, I am misspelling on purpose!) NOT BENEFIT from my largess????  

Why is it MY FAULT  that THEIR leaders build 100's of palaces and MAKE them live WORSE than MY DOG????  

MY DOG  lives better than the average FAMILY lives over there!!  Every dog I've ever had has lived better than their average everyday existance.  WHY IS THAT MY FAULT???  

Why don't the average man/woman on the street direct their HATE toward those that are keeping them in conditions WORSE than any animal I have ever owned lives???

HMMMMMMMMMMMMM  could it be that they LIKE being chatells (sp??)  for THEIR "culturally biased" LEADERS???

HMMMM???  Could it be that their ENTIRE history is one of fiefdoms and kings and hating and killing EACH OTHER for over 2,000 years???

Those countries will REALLY be mistreated and abused and their resources and cultures will go totally DOWN THE TOILET when we develop hybird or Hydrogen or cat-poop (or whatever) fueled cars... and it is NOT going to be that LONG before it happens-Perhaps not in my lifetime (I'm an old F*rt") but definitely in my childrens lifetimes!

So....then ....who will their mind-numbing propaganda "Wasabi???" (sorry-can't remember the exact name) schools preach their vile, "don't think, just memorize this crap, and go blow up people and you all go to heaven and get your 72 virgins" sh*t to???    AND trust me...NOBODY standing on 2 legs wants to know what I think of pathetic LOOSERS who think 72 virgins will cure their "limp-d*ck" problems!!!  MAKES ME Laugh!!!  

(NOTE to ALL sohc4 guys... this is NOT to imply ANY normal thinking human beings of the male persuasion have Limp-d;*ck  problems!  Why here on this actual forum, I myself have seen one member MAGNAMOUSLY SEND A... BALL TO ANOTHER!!!  So I realize there are NO Limp-d type guys here! for sure!!!...  BUT I do think those of the male persuaian who seem fixated on 72 virgins have got something not functioning right in their nether regions.... or have mush between their ears  or BOTH!!!  LOL)

AND what kind of CULTURE Preaches that you kill with your KIDS....  WHO thought up that????

I'm not Jewesh (sp is wrong!) but one of their PM's in Isreal said "we'll never have peace with the Palestenians until they LOVE THEIR children more than they HATE us."  

It is beyond me how this type of thinking ever got started!

Anyway, enjoyed the discussion, gotta go cook Christmas dinner.  STILL need help with BB - Photos would be appreciated.

Thank you for the intellectual stimulation and discussion.  Not sure my comments make sense, but enjoy trying to put what has been rattling around in my noggin for past 4 years into words.  And appreciate and respect those who disagree with me for staying civil and allowing this type of intellectual exchange to occur!  AND YES I know I am VERY opinionated on this subject!!

Off now to cook!


Offline 74cb750

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you have said a lot. But our lot in the westernized countries is they way it is BEcause we don't play fair in the economic game. If we played fair there would be more understanding in the world. But the major problem is you would not be able to afford the things you have now, for the prices you pay now.

The old song comes to mind
"Kick em when they're up,
Kick em when they're down..." etc

I believe you have not met people from Iran, Iraq Nigeria etc etc. Well, guess what? the regular people do NOT hate Americans. The people in power in these countries oft times pay the masses to protest in front of cameras to make you believe we are hated all around the globe. YOU are not hated, the government and it's policies are hated around the world. It is called sowing fear.

Get this. ALL, not some, but all countries that have an export economey based upon one product, in this case oil, have repressive regimes. These regimes are donminated by a select group, oftem kept in power and trained by the USA via the CIA College of the Americas in Georgia, or by the Chinese / Russians in their own little "colleges". Look it up. 

When the "people" get fed up with their repressive regimes, they overthow the govt (like Iran), under the impression the people can rule. Then some thugs, take over the NEW govt and make it even more repressive(mullahs). Over 50% of the people in Iran are 15 years old or under . Guess what? they don't like the govt that chains them either. But through the use of Fear, intimidation, mis-information and  tourture the mullahs stay in power, for now, but not for much longer. Look for another revolution in Iran within the next few years. Many mullahs, and their mis-guided enforcer will die, for sure. Last servey I read, Iranian leaders have less than 12% of the popular support.

Fear is a constant in repressive societies, and we must be ever viligent against any leaders (including Pres. Bush et al) whom use fear to justify taking rights away. Case in point: Russia. President (sic) Putin is using the "war, disturbance" in the southeastern provences to keep everyone in line though FEAR. All oposition newspapers, tlelvision stations and radio stations are shutdown. Guess what is coming next? you got it, anyone whom can report on inhumane activities, or anything the govt. deems un-Russina,  the NGO's. This is happening today. It could very easily happen in the USA, even though most people think not, or should I say , hope not.

Well, now that I have that off my chest, be well, keep God/Allah/Yawyeh/BUddha where he/it belongs:in your thoughts and actions.
Laugh at least once a day.
Life  $ucks, then you die.
You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.
God forces us to live with  non-believers to test our resolve.

Offline 750deepsouth

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but I do send SIGNIFICANT amounts of my hard (and sometimes easily) earned money over there in the way of buying Gasoline.

98% of your $$$ end up in the coffers of the oil corporates.....

Offline cbjunkie

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a nerve struck. it's always difficult to accept responsibility... but historical ignorance is no excuse, and our system, democracy, has us all on the hook for the injustices our government metes out to the nations it dominates.
1971 750K1
1972 CB350 (deceased)

sometimes naked, sometimes mad -
now the poet, now the fool -
thus they appear on earth,
the free men.

Chris in Ramsey

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IF, as andynzl says  "98% of your $$$ end up in the coffers of the oil corporates....." how does THAT work out? If oil is around $50 a barrel and gas is over $2 a gallon, then those must be some REALLY big barrels for 98% of the money to go to the evil oil corporations and not to OPEC producers.
   It may be easy to say the USA is at fault for using 25% of the world's resources, but the USA is about 40% of the world's maybe we should use more ;D


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CB-well said.  

I may not agree with all of it, but you do point out many thought provolking ideas.  

RE:  "a nerve struck. it's always difficult to accept responsibility.."   I am not responsible for anyone other then ME, MYSELF and I.  I just will NOT accept being painted with the "I HATE AMERICA" paintbrush.  NO WAY.  Without America more than 1/3 of the world would be speaking GERMAN right NOW.  So you'll not dump that rubbish on me and expect me to accept it.

My issue is, and forgive me, this is real personal to me as a woman and as a mother of 2 women:  

Why in the world do those cultures HATE women?  

I know religion plays a major factor into the treatment of females, but WHY do the women put up with it.  (Let's face it, the "Bobbit" technique of cutting off important parts of mean men would WORK.  Google "Lorain Bobbit" to see what I'm talking about if you don't already know.)   As course as it sounds, that would be my answer to anyone, male or female who physically mistreats me.  And I can tell you, any man who beats me is one DEAD MF QUICK!

So, you see, it is my puzzlement over why the women put up with this type of treatment that REALLY sends me over the edge.  I don't blame the men, I blame the women for not valuing themselves!

My DH flys almost a million miles a year, and he has said after the 2001 attacks:  "Get all the guns and ammo YOU need, cause I may not be here to protect you."  So that is why I tend to be armed to the teeth 70% of the time.  I refuse to be a victim, if at all possible.

RE:  "democracy, has us all on the hook for the injustices our government metes out to the nations it dominates."    Who, pray tell, do we dominate?  Germany? France? Japan?  I'm sorry but I don't see where we Dominate anyone, other than the US of A.  IF we REALLY dominated countries, we'd have the following states:

State of Columbia, State of Puerto Rico, State of Panama Canal (and that country that surrounds it...sorry, 'senior moment' can't remember the name of the country), State of South Korea, State of Japan, State of Northern Europe.

I don't see us dominating ANY country we liberated in WWII or since.  So, pardon me, but I just don't buy into that line of thinking.  


But thanks for the discourse and when the craziness of Christmas is over, I'll read this thread from top to bottom.   Gotta go-Christmas dinner is ready! 

Offline cb650

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What does it take to pump a barrel out in the east ?  I heard 2-3 bucks but we pay 50+.  Opec must be paying for all their welfare programs improving the lives of their people.
How much oil does Isreal have? But some leaders want them dead too.  Yes that is a long land disput but Isreal is a thriving country and what is the rest of the region?   A bunch of dictators saying give me give me or die. 

18 grand and 18 miles dont make you a biker

Offline Uncle Ernie

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Linda, if you ask most abused women why they stay with the man that beats them, they say, "...because I luuuv 'im."  Othres are afraid for their kids, afraid for their own lives, and/or even afraid of their own relatives who won't help and say, "you made your bed- now sleep in it."  It's fairly well established that a captive will begin to identify with the captor.  Sometimes when it's people of the opposite sex, the captive may "fall" in love.  It's hard to imagine the massive obsticles that a girl born in one of these countries must have to overcome. In many of these countries the girls mother holds here down!
Well, you struck a nerve for me.  In the 'States where education and help is everywhere, I definitely believe the saying, "No victims, only volunteers".  I think in India, Arabian countries, Brazil, Thailand, etc, it's a different story.
Dude- your 8 layers are showing!


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No matter the conflict you will always find those on either side. This is what makes war possible.
The rich NEED citizens on either side of the line, this is what fuels war.
They also need the people who hate them the most to use as cannon fodder
To spice up the mix we add a little religion into the mess
For many war becomes a GAME. Killing is not a game it is BUSSINESS. It is Big Bussiness..........

Lets enter a little scenario here.........................

Middle East countries (unified) as whole invade Canada or Mexico looking for a particular person (leader), They fail to find him so they figure now might be a good time to invade the US. Afterall everyone and noone is watching right?

If they were in our streets trying to tell us what to do tell me little church ladies would not be out there cutting off heads?

Wars always fill the coffers of the rich. Wars always diminish the population of the poor. Please feel free to show me the other way around. Also in the conflict that is debating war is always slanted by people who have no combat experience. People who have little more than anger to fuel thier opinion. They are alos needed in this conflict.

From having to do so, it is much harder to kill a person than you know. The world looks a lot more different when you can see them so well you might be able to tell what they ate for breakfast. Just look in thier eyes so that you can see the color of thier eyes before you pull your angry trigger.

They do say the eyes are the windows to the soul and they are right....

Offline clarkjh

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Not to be a prick, but

Remember why the "White House" is white, it was red until the Canadians burned it in the war of 1812 ;D.  Had to white wash the building because they needed iron to make red paint, and they nedded that for the war.


SOHC/4 #3328
SOHC/4 Gallery:
1974 CB550, 40000 Miles
1980 GL1100, 102789 KM - Back on the road after a complete engine rebuild. 
*** Why, oh why, is it always head gaskets with me?***


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Not to be a prick, but

Remember why the "White House" is white, it was red until the Canadians burned it in the war of 1812 ;D.  Had to white wash the building because they needed iron to make red paint, and they nedded that for the war.


From Urban Legends

The "President's House" had no official designation, and that is what it was called until the term "Executive Mansion" supplanted "President's House" around 1850. After war broke out between the United States and Great Britain in 1812, President James Madison and his wife were forced to flee the residence when a British expedition to Chesapeake Bay won an easy victory at Bladensburg and took Washington in August 1814, setting fire to several public buildings including the Capitol and the President's House. This historical event has since been embodied in a legend which proclaims that the White House only obtained that name after its torching by the British, when portions of the residence were rebuilt and the exterior was painted white (over the original gray) to cover the obvious burn marks.

Not so. The President's House had been given a coat of whitewash as early as 1798 in order to protect its locally-quarried sandstone against the deterioriation caused by winter freezes, and from then on white paint was used for the exterior. Moreover, although the building wouldn't officially be designated the "White House" until the issuance of an executive order by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1901, references to the building as the "White House" antedate the War of 1812. Barnhart and Metcalf cite a letter written in 1811 which made mention of a politician whose function was "to act as a sort of political conductor to attract the lightning that may issue from the clouds round the Capitol and the White House at Washington," and White House curators cite similar contemporary evidence:

There is a Washington myth that people didn't start calling the house the White House until it was painted white to conceal the scorch marks left when the British burned it to its walls in 1814.

Not so, says the office of White House curator Betty Monkman. She and her staff have uncovered many references to "the White House" well before the British marched in.

On March 18, 1812, for example, a Massachusetts congressman wrote his wife: "There is much trouble at the White House, as we call it, I mean the President's."


    Barnhart, David K. and Allan A. Metcalf.   America in So Many Words.
    Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997.   ISBN 0-395-86020-2   (pp. 112-113).

    Bowling, Kenneth R.   The Creation of Washington D.C.
    Fairfax, VA: George Mason Univ. Press, 1991.   ISBN 0-913969-29-X.

    Knutson, Lawrence L.   "Theodore Roosevelt Names The White House in One of His First Orders."
    Associated Press.   12 November 2001.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2005, 11:39:07 AM by ElCheapo »

Offline cbjunkie

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that, ladies and gentlemen, is a sniper at work.   8)
1971 750K1
1972 CB350 (deceased)

sometimes naked, sometimes mad -
now the poet, now the fool -
thus they appear on earth,
the free men.

Online ofreen

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This thread is interesting as ones of this type usually are - if one can handle the frustration.  If people come into these discussions with strongly held positions, they have seldom changed them when the discussion is over.  The problem is that people tend to think in terms of absolutes (black or white, yes or no, right or wrong) and they base their conclusions on limited (or no) firsthand information.  We depend on the media to give us information on events beyond our personal experience.  We know that the information is seldom reliable whether it is because the media has its own axe to grind, or maybe just because of sloppy and incomplete reporting.  Even so, we draw conclusions and establish positions that we are willing to argue about and even get mad about.  I'm not so smart, because I do it too.  

'75 CB750F
'75 CB750F

"I would rather have questions I cannot answer than answers I cannot question." - Dr. Wei-Hock Soon


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This thread is interesting as ones of this type usually are - if one can handle the frustration.  If people come into these discussions with strongly held positions, they have seldom changed them when the discussion is over.  The problem is that people tend to think in terms of absolutes (black or white, yes or no, right or wrong) and they base their conclusions on limited (or no) firsthand information.  We depend on the media to give us information on events beyond our personal experience.  We know that the information is seldom reliable whether it is because the media has its own axe to grind, or maybe just because of sloppy and incomplete reporting.  Even so, we draw conclusions and establish positions that we are willing to argue about and even get mad about.  I'm not so smart, because I do it too.  

'75 CB750F

True, Arguments never change any minds. They just let people tell you what kind of ground they stand on  ;D

Offline clarkjh

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I stand corrected about the White House.

I still don't believe the USA is alway bailing out everyone else, some people and places would rather the US Government left.  Why else would US tourist start waring the Canada flag on their camping gear in Europe back in the 80s.

Not to say I havn't met alot of good people in North America, Canadian, Americian, and Native Americian, but I have also met some of the A holes as well.  Also Mr Bush is one the A holes in my book mainly because of 9/11.  Thanked every Alied Country except Canada.

Rant over.

I need to go take my meds now ;D

SOHC/4 #3328
SOHC/4 Gallery:
1974 CB550, 40000 Miles
1980 GL1100, 102789 KM - Back on the road after a complete engine rebuild. 
*** Why, oh why, is it always head gaskets with me?***