i think most people feel the same way as linda - including the mothers and families who live, make love and raise families on top of our oil. (i mean "our" in the sense of it belonging to the inhabitants of the planet.)
i wonder why they want to kill us?
why in the world do they hate us so much?
i wonder if we have ever mistreated or abused them and their resources and culture to feed our own lavish lifestyles?
surely God-fearing Christians would never do that! (cough, cough - native americans - ahem! cough!)
Doesn't ANYONE ever ask...."WHO keeps the middle East Cultures in poverty-aka-30 to 50% unemployment? "
HOW can my spending $3-4 a gallon on gas...NOT be HELPING their cultures??? AND WHAT if we did not have "lavish lifestyles?" huh, what then?? Cause in the next 100 years, if they don't get on the ball, those countries will have to eat dirt, cause the good ole USA will NOT be using their nasty ole oil for our lavish lifestyles!
I personally have NEVER stepped foot in that area of the world, but I do send SIGNIFICANT amounts of my hard (and sometimes easily) earned money over there in the way of buying Gasoline. Although I am doing my best to change that...with BB and not driving 2 days a week in my retirement-that is what I am doing for my war efforts. Not much, but the best I can do right now. AND I would GLADLY pay $40 per gallon of gas to tell that area of the world to go F OFF!
But the bigger issues remain:
Why doesn't the average man-on-the-street in Ireq or Iren or Syrea or even Egipt (yes, I am misspelling on purpose!) NOT BENEFIT from my largess? Why is it MY FAULT that THEIR leaders build 100's of palaces and MAKE them live WORSE than MY DOG?
MY DOG lives better than the average FAMILY lives over there!! Every dog I've ever had has lived better than their average everyday existance. WHY IS THAT MY FAULT???
Why don't the average man/woman on the street direct their HATE toward those that are keeping them in conditions WORSE than any animal I have ever owned lives???
HMMMMMMMMMMMMM could it be that they LIKE being chatells (sp??) for THEIR "culturally biased" LEADERS???
HMMMM??? Could it be that their ENTIRE history is one of fiefdoms and kings and hating and killing EACH OTHER for over 2,000 years???
Those countries will REALLY be mistreated and abused and their resources and cultures will go totally
DOWN THE TOILET when we develop hybird or Hydrogen or cat-poop (or whatever) fueled cars... and it is NOT going to be that LONG before it happens-Perhaps not in my lifetime (I'm an old F*rt") but definitely in my childrens lifetimes!
So....then ....who will their mind-numbing propaganda "Wasabi???" (sorry-can't remember the exact name) schools preach their vile, "don't think, just memorize this crap, and go blow up people and you all go to heaven and get your 72 virgins" sh*t to??? AND trust me...NOBODY standing on 2 legs wants to know what I think of pathetic LOOSERS who think 72 virgins will cure their "limp-d*ck" problems!!! MAKES ME Laugh!!!
(NOTE to ALL sohc4 guys... this is NOT to imply ANY normal thinking human beings of the male persuasion have Limp-d;*ck problems! Why here on this actual forum, I myself have seen one member MAGNAMOUSLY SEND A... BALL TO ANOTHER!!! So I realize there are NO Limp-d type guys here! for sure!!!... BUT I do think those of the male persuaian who seem fixated on 72 virgins have got something not functioning right in their nether regions.... or have mush between their ears or BOTH!!! LOL)
AND what kind of CULTURE Preaches that you kill with your KIDS.... WHO thought up that?
I'm not Jewesh (sp is wrong!) but one of their PM's in Isreal said
"we'll never have peace with the Palestenians until they LOVE THEIR children more than they HATE us." It is beyond me how this type of thinking ever got started!
Anyway, enjoyed the discussion, gotta go cook Christmas dinner. STILL need help with BB - Photos would be appreciated.
Thank you for the intellectual stimulation and discussion. Not sure my comments make sense, but enjoy trying to put what has been rattling around in my noggin for past 4 years into words. And appreciate and respect those who disagree with me for staying civil and allowing this type of intellectual exchange to occur! AND YES I know I am VERY opinionated on this subject!!
Off now to cook!