Does anyone have statics on Chad Isley's Hondamatic- both 1/8th mile and 1/4 mile times progressively?

OK, I won't say to much in case I put my foot in it again and upset every one

I guess it can't have been that bad though if Billy is poking fun at me biteing more fingers off.

I would rather bite my own fingers off than upset you guys.

From what I remember, Chad would run a qualy at 13.1 in cool no wind conditions, and dial 13.102 or 13.122. If the weather warmed up, a 13.142 or 13.162, add a slight head wind, a 13.172 or 13.192, it was allways just a couple of hundredths.
At Valdosta last year, he ran a 13.3? on a 13.1? dial and was beside himself, Where TF did that come from he said

, these figures might not be Gospel but that is how close these bikes run. can the weather/slight winds be making OUR bike 3 10ths out.

I have just forked out nearly $400 for a new weather station to help with the dial in but it malfunctioned just after I got it and I'm waiting on a replacment, will get it over to you as soon as it arrives.

bed time