Heres the last 4 runs from yesterday.
I decided if the bike won't become one with you,you must become one with the bike!(Grasshopper 2012)
So I decided,hold rear brake only,stage,give it as much as it would take,very little,2000-2500 MAX,then when 2nd amber came on ,start to twist throttle,last amber,release brake,throttle WFO....for the most fun ride down the 1320,nothing like shifting just once and a bike that goes...with no hesitation.I changed the mains,went fatter obviously
,but decided to leave the needles where they were.Best combination on carb jetting so far.Bike likes 915 kit and 295 cam!
also,we still can advance cam,that's right,I degee'd it to stock spec and ran .008 in & .010 ex.Standard was .006/.006.I like to SEE,now we can advance and go back to .006 if we want!
Let's see advance cam,temp drops 10 degrees,dry air.......Valdosta 11.9xx! Yeh I know,consistency!!
But look at all the PB's it turned on last run!!!!!
Jon,for the first time I "FELT" it! It being what a properly running CB750A can do! Get the starts down and they may not like seeing Samauto show up!!!
WOW,finally we got a QUICK and CONSISTENT bike!!! Thanks to all who helped us achieve this,you know who you are!! Bill