What a great weekend among best of people and friends! Wow,so many good times! So many personal bests and new connections!

Kudos to Sam Green,he nailed it!

Jon Weeks,great job.All who helped(esp Jerry RX Griffin on Sat)

.............Calendar Girl dropped ignition on 2 cylinders and popped out of gear! So....TURBO TIME!!!!! Ist pass ever,11.49 @ 115.72!!!,and it popped out of gear!

More later,lots of good pics,video and stories.Mike Rieck and Kenny(Cycle X),great to meet you.Wilbur thanks so much for tach cable off your bike!,,,and your wrenching help!Murph tell Jack we had a great time.Jay from APE,great to see you again and meet Pat.Off to dinner...and CHAMPAGANE!

...Ok Apple pie moonshine and beer!!!!!!!!!!Bill