Jon's right,dyno,graphs,charts,info etc.But first a little story to set the record straight........Them carbs (the CV ones) well no wonder they had us ALL scratching our heads!When we had problems ,it didn't add up,Jon sending carbs not ready or right? Well we all thought they were ready to go on,I put them on,my fault as builder,final assembly,I should have known better!Well,so on they went,ya'll heard how it ran,so off they came,well I found some interesting things! Carb sync on 3&4 the same,but off by 1/8 INCH to 1&2!!! Oh and trash blocking #3 choke pick up completely(blk silicone).same stuff wrapped around pilot,burred up main jet holder,metal shavings,Jon your friend who borrowed your carbs for that one weekend didn't tell you all he did,all this and broke off # 62 drill inside # 1,no wonder,Jims drill took a sudden TURN!No wonder we were lean,ran like sh*t,some buddy he turned out to be!

After cleaning,carbs were all good,well #2,3 and 4!I discovered the blockage when cleaning,carb sync not visual as carbs came with manifolds on and we were told easier to mount that way. Jon,hanging not good enough,shoot the Bast*rd!So now with Big Jim's help we'll get those right,in the meantime off we went to Brian's place,Dyno Heaven:

Now,you got something to look at.

The culprit!

Not what you want!

This one about made me sick!#4 is as bad,camera just wouldn't pick it up.

Jon,your buddy liked blk silicone!

was blocking #3 choke feed!

Clean pilots?.......

Burred up main jet holder.
Just give Big Jim his address!

It's worth it,now POST!

....80.52 RWHP,almost 50 ft/lbs torque,Bill a happy camper! 8)Thanks,Mike Rieck and Jon Weeks,Jim,Frank,Brian and yeah Sam Green for getting us started,now get back over soon!Keith ,what's up and a special thanks for being there for Samauto's first runs!I'm tired,but I can pull and jet 29's with my eyes closed!

,lol,Bill....Sam,you still up?