I'm freakin' LOVING the Viagra colours. You know what would be cool, is if the Viagra bikes were allowed to run in all of the races, using waaay way older bikes, only with some type of cheater fuel, like NITROUS or some such, and allowed to compete using unfair advantages on top of older technologies. Or, if they were allowed to stay out on the track longer with a bigger fuel tank, so that they don't win the race by coming in first, but they'd come in last and just keep going and going racking up the miles and "hugging the curves" really well. Maybe a Viagra bike could have truck balls under it ... I was just thinking about the mono-shock conversions over on my home forum, thinking about the way that people are putting mono-shock swingarms on the DOHC Honda fours and they often have the suspension linkage hanging down in the bike's crotch, I was thinking of how they need a bash plate of some sort, and I came up with the idea of putting some kind of silicone rubber guard over the front end of that link, so that the dog-bone links, aka the dog's wobblies, could have some kind of dildo tip wrapped over the shock link, maybe with some kind of curly wire all around the base of it so that dust and dirt stays out of the pivots - but yeah that would be far more suitable on the Viagra bikes. Just picture the link pivoting with every bump, the wheel goes bump and the link goes HUMP. So yeah, give the bike the right equipment, maybe hook that all up to some type of inflation equipment hooked up to the nitrous, and just go around and around the track long after the younger bikes have gone home. Ha ha. Oh, and maybe the Viagra bike could chase a Miata around the track, sniffing at it's exhaust. They might just go for that type of thing, it might be just the publicity they want. Lotsa money in those little blue pills you know. Used to be cigarettes funding racing. Now bigger and better funded drug companies Everything made from hemp type of crap. Cocaine would go for the supercar scene, meth would be into the funny cars, booze people could get in on the game with ethanol fueled racers, and beer would stick with Nascar. I suppose if it weren't for those kill-joys over at M.A.D.D. there'd be a lot more liquor companies funding stock-car racing, hey? If Pfizer doesn't make it with Viagra racing, maybe Purdue Pharma's Oxycontin could fund the smash-up derby? It's not like they're above dirty marketing tricks you know.