Well, nothing I've tried, has worked. The capacitor checks good (seems I remember from the last time that you unhook the capacitor, get a multimeter, set it on ohms and the reading should peak and fall back slowly) This is what it does.You can turn the unit on and when you set the temp to where it should come on, the green light comes on and I can hear a click. But that's it. I think it's probably a relay or something of that sort. SO, we'll probably tough it out til Monday (I'll call Friday, but I'll bet we don't get a visit til at least Monday. In the past, when it was desperate, I'd turn on the oven (get it good and hot) and then open the door. The ceiling fans would push the heat on through the house. Kinda adds to the electric bill, but helps the situation. 48degrees now and supposed to get down in the 30's tonight and on through the weekend with the lows Monday night, in the 20's. Might need a "Smiley w/ icicles on it"