Author Topic: Centrifugal Oil Filter Cleaning  (Read 2821 times)

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Centrifugal Oil Filter Cleaning
« on: November 25, 2009, 01:23:39 PM »
"All that needed to be done is remove the small round cover (three screws), and the clip, then the special nut. Then take that round housing out and spray it out until clean."

This is the information I have found to clean the centrifugal oil filter.  Are these directions substantially complete?  What should I use to "spray out" the filter?  Finally, I have scoured the internet and can't find this special tool; is it included with the motorcycle tool kit or must one find this mythical tool at the place where Jack bought his beans? ;D

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Re: Centrifugal Oil Filter Cleaning
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2009, 02:09:40 PM »
Yeah, that's more-or-less it.  The filters on those things aren't really "filters" imo but more of a sludge trap.   The special tool you need is for the retaining nut inside:

The tool that fits it is the same tool that fits the clutch center nut on a 750.  Cyclexchange sells them for about $15.00:

Item #EN-615, about 2/3 down the page.

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Re: Centrifugal Oil Filter Cleaning
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2009, 02:13:03 PM »
Taking that nut off is a b--ch. I have celeaned many of those Dixie cup filters the cheapway. Scrape it out carefully with a scaper, choose your weapon. Popsickle stick, narrow puddy knife whatever. Stick a bib under it to catch whatever you drag out. You'll finally rinse it with a solvent wet wrag wrapped around a screwdrivr. You get the idea?
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Re: Centrifugal Oil Filter Cleaning
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2009, 02:17:35 PM »
Agreed, when my wife owned a 350 we never pulled the housing to clean it.  If I remember correctly, I used a piece cut from a plastic report cover, slipped between the filter housing and the engine cover, to keep crap from falling into the motor, and then as MC says scrape, spray, swab, etc.

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Re: Centrifugal Oil Filter Cleaning
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2009, 02:20:42 PM »
Excellent, thanks for the advice.  I ordered a spanner for it off of ebay but will use the scrape/swab method for now as I'm hoping to rebuild the bike this weekend; fingers crossed considering the frame is in the parking garage, the motor is in my backseat, and every other part is strategically located somewhere in my apartment.

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Re: Centrifugal Oil Filter Cleaning
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2009, 04:30:42 PM »
That tool is available at Motion Pro for less than $10 - assuming you're talking about an old Honda of some type.

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Re: Centrifugal Oil Filter Cleaning
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2009, 04:36:15 PM »
Oh man, I was jipped!  Mine only has one zero in the second half of the part number, "MP 08-015"   :(

Or maybe that's just a sign of a decade's worth of progress since I bought mine.   :D

Good price, though. 

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